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Greetings, my dear patrons!

Sorry for making you guys worry all this time. I'd like to inform everybody of my situation right away, so I am going to cut to the chase. It's mostly good news so don't worry.

The short version is I am coming back!

The long version.

With the collapse of my elder close relative (it's pretty obvious who it is by this point.) We rush to the hospital and have her there over a night and the next day for any kinds of checkups.

The conclusion of her diagnosis result is "Pretty good!" (No serious disease found. The only concern is her blood pressure is on a little high side but not heart, lungs, kidney, or other systems related. Have to take care of cholesterol and work out more.) So the result is pretty much "She is not reaching the real permanent damage point but she is slowly heading toward that point." Kinda thing.

 Which created another question of what caused her to fall ill in the first place? The doctor put this is in a pretty interesting term. He says "Imagine someone always living healthy all their lives and suddenly stop doing that. The rebound effect can be surprising." Which pretty much added up with her life. She is usually an athletic person that has to stay home and do nothing because of the lockdown. Having no means of exercise, plus getting older, plus having less healthy food, and getting down from being unable to socialize with people changed her lifestyle a bit too much. A weak body leads to an unhealthy mind and so around. Finally, she falls ill by her own stress thinking she is sick (really weird but it does make sense. And stress can spike blood pressure really high.)

We have double-checked with almost every basic checkup (and even some advanced checkups with her heart, blood, and lung to make sure it wasn't slipped by.) We have reached the conclusion of what we should do (recommended by the doctor, of course.)  The best thing, for now, is just to change her back to what she is, healthy life, (maybe a little more careful on her bones and joints as she is older.) Good food, good exercise, and some pills are what she needs. I might have to change some of my lifestyles to fit her new routine but it should not affect my work life too much.

In the end, I feel very lucky in a way that I can confirm she is still doing fine.  Even with the most stressful way to find out possible.

So that's it! I am coming back to my office (with the most exhausted body ever. and a bit of relief.) And yes, you are now finished reading about someone's medical journey on an NSFW hentai page. Congratulations.

Kidding aside, I am coming back and going to push out the project that has been disrupted so many times. See you very soon!

Sorry to make you guys worry. Thank you again for your kindness. 

Stay safe and have a nice day!



I'm glad all is well


That's good May y'all have good health in the coming years


Happy to hear that it's not too bad


Alls well that ends well


Ring Fit Adventure ( recommend


I'm glad she's ok and you're ok.


Take it easy! we'll be here when you are ready.