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Greetings my lovely Patrons!

It's a time for the sequel month yet again! (Hooray!) For the new patrons that don't know what this is. This is Occasionally project that I made to expand the "story" of existed project that I have made. You may wonder what happened after those round 1 has ended. I am here to continue the fun for you.

For example :

Our first winner of this poll is Samus(and Ridley)

So I have continue the scene from this


to this!


So which waifu you say that deserve more fun!? or maybe a twist? let's vote!

(if you wish to look up for my old projects to have an idea who to vote on.

Check out my Gfycat library for the reference https://gfycat.com/@skello-on-sale/collections/e500776d389fb058b193a41c5afba09e/tonsofloop21 )

Handicap system

One thing that I try to prevent from happening is the same winner repeat the history forever. But take the choice away completely might not be a good idea (maybe we deserved to see Samus strike back or something).

So I have come up with handicap system. Put it simple, The characters that has won the poll before will have handicap point. Now In order for Samus to win again. She has to win with more than 10% to the 2nd winner (if not the 2nd place will take the place.) Also, This month winner will have to take handicap on later sequel polls too.

Update about the current project (Palutena project delayed).

Let's get to the point and say I am sorry (again). This month might have a lot of productivity from me but in the end the stuff I delivered is not what I have promised. I got a bit too much sidetrack and lost my time along the way. From overworked with Nessa mini project, Got sidetracked and experiment game develop on Unity and add Sonia into the current project causing it to double amount of workload (who could have guessed!?). So once again I got distracted to other thing that I shouldn't. I promise to keep this to the minimum from now on.

So Palutena has been push again to the next month. However, the double project of Hilda& Sonia has come along nicely and should be ready by the end of the month. here's the teaser, It's not much for now but I can say this will become a project with load of "contents" when it's done.

Have a nice day everybody!



Azura, please!! That's my favorite one so far <3


I honestly prefer anyone besides Samus. She already has two.


Samus again?


Samus again

John Smith

i wanted another morrigan but looks like that isnt winning so i voted for samus lol