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Greetings my fellow patrons!

As we are step more and more to the end of 2018, One thing I have to mentioned is we have a lot of new supporters here. So Welcome! Welcome to my humble place that might made your Phone / Computer freeze because of how much memory it consume. With this surge of subbed made me feel like I have to do something and I have nothing to present at the moment. So I have created a survey to make you feel this Patreon creator actually has some content on his page!

So go ahead! Have some boring not porn content! (but seriously, Your feedback will give me a better idea of my audience and you can even question me stuff).



Here are updates for my end year plan.

- 25th December is the intended released of "Secret Santa" project. I will send update to NeroDX (Secret Santa lotto winner) from time to time.

- 26th Next character polls involving "New Year" Theme.

- I might have to take some days off after that to have my personal new year break time. However , In those time I might have "balls deep" project going.

- I will update my tier list again next month (this time they will made sense I swear!).

- I will included promo cut (with watermark) in future rewards now. I want to encourage anyone to share my works. you can upload them anywhere (that allowed this kind of content). Just leave Reddit for me. I can be Karma whore sometime lol.

Also , I am not actually good at this but Thank you to all of my supporters. My old supporters , thank you to stay with me for these months. My new supporters , Thank you very much for interested in my content. I will aim to give you all my best effort of my skill. Every subs , likes or just views are appreciated. :)




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