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Greetings, my lovely patrons!

Here comes the first installation of the three parts extra project that I should upload a bit earlier. Somehow, when I planned the project, I thought it would go with something like this:

50% > 1st release > 75% > 2nd release > 100% > 3rd release.

In practicality, it goes like this...

80% > 1st release > 90% > 2nd release > 100% > 3rd release > "???"

The reason for this is quite simple: I tend to work on the project as a whole rather than focusing on small portals that should be done (it's a perfectionist thing, I guess.) On the plus side, you shall not have to wait for long for the 2nd and 3rd updates!



This project, as I mentioned, is more of an experimental on a couple of things. To make it short, it's all about learning how to work with expressionless characters, and learning how to do timing with projects that have stories and dialogues. The story of this project itself is not particularly complicated, which is pretty good to be a testing ground.

While the animation itself is not overly complicate, I focused immensely on the timing and the editing of this project much more than usual. To save the complication of lip-syncing, I will save the mouth animation until after the 3rd scene releases.

A little story about the always calm and collected Nightingale on her service routine VS. the random guy that his wood refuses to go down. Simple, yes? Things are going to escalate in later scenes!

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The 2nd and 3rd scenes will follow soon! Oh, and the main project!

After the 3rd scene released, I might go for a full Voice-over even if I still don't know how to commission this kind of project yet lol. I guess we will see.

As always, thank you for all the supports, it's the means for me to have such freedom to explore more and more about this cursed rabbit hole. Thanks to you guys. All in all, we shared the love of good hentai, and I wholeheartedly tended to deliver it the best I can. I might experiment on something out of the box from time to time, I can only ensure the content is still pretty hot (even it is borderline comedic with this one.)

Thank you,

and have a nice day!



Nero Ruzuzaki

Nightingale is a good choice! It’s gonna be awesome when it’s completed and voiced :)