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Autumn has quickly made its way to the mountains. I can hear the winds moving swiftly throughout the valley as it brings in the next season. The shifting of seasons this year has been very calming for me. Usually, I want to hold on to every last drop of the warmer months. As the nights have been getting colder, I find myself flowing with the tides. Witnessing each change and welcoming the cold and darker months.  

I like to visit popular places during this time since all the crowds have gone. It becomes a quiet haven again. 

Winter can arrive quickly here in the mountains. The lakes will soon start to freeze and blankets of snow will cover the tree. I loved having this little section of the mountains to myself.

My request to you is, to find a quiet place and presently stay and observe what surrounds you. Please do this without any distractions. I want you to soak in the sounds, colors, and sensations. My favorite type of meditation. 

If you have been following my content for a while now, you know that Winter can be a tough time for me. Some would say, "Jess, why don't you just move to a warmer climate?" I have thought of this many times haha. My answer to that is, I want to be able to embrace change and be at peace with letting go.  

By practicing this, my body, mind, and soul can feel more aligned with nature.

I feel freer than I ever have! 

This big beautiful planet has so much to teach us, we just need to listen. 

This photo above is one of my favorites. Lying on the earth watching the last ray of light fade behind the mountaintop. 

What are your thoughts on the changing of seasons? What's your favorite time of year? 

Thank you for being here! I love reading your comments and personal messages. My heart is filled with so much gratitude. 

"Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world." -Anne of Green Gables  

With all my love and light, 

Jess xo  




Looks so peaceful and beautiful.


Other than here in Col, what places have you traveled too, Miss Jess?