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Hello, my beautiful friends!

A mythological story I read recently, about the son of a very powerful being that wanted to give the darkness of the night more beauty, and so he went down into the deepest caverns and took out gemstones. He flew up and put these gemstones into the sky. These gemstones reflect the light of the sun and moon to create the night sky, all the constellations, and the stars.I thought this story was so creative, beautiful, and inspiring. I know in the depths of winter, the night sky reminds me of how beautiful each season can be. In the darkness, there is still light.

It’s the Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere! A time I love to celebrate! I love welcoming in the first snow of the season, getting cozy by a fire, and making some of my favorite warm seasonal dishes. It is a magical time watching the earth change. I wanted to take trips to the lake near my house and listen to the sounds of the freezing ice. The lakes will freeze quickly here, but there are moments you can hear the ice sing.

The first day of winter is such a wonderful time to sit and reflect on this past year. I like to do this on the Winter Solstice, especially so I can leave behind what no longer serves me. I can move forward to the new year! 

I hope you’ve been well this past month! These weeks have gone by so quickly since I last posted. The end of Autumn had felt so strange. This is the season of performance shows, festivities, and lots of traveling. As a performer, I get very busy when I am taking on a circus show.

I apologize if you have been kept waiting for my next chapter. I have been doing my best to balance life in this busy time. I appreciate all the messages from my Patreons this past month. I love hearing about your naked adventures and staying in touch. It's not easy sharing personal stories with others, but you guys are so inspiring to me! Thank you for your patience and continuous amount of support for my art. It truly means the world to me.

I know the holidays can be a difficult time for a lot of people, depending on what your family life is like, where you are in life, and what your hopes are for the new year. I am sending you hugs and hope you can find some moments of peace and joy this month. I hope this new year will create incredible opportunities and adventures. 

Sending my love, 






Beautiful as always!


Beautiful winter photos. Nudity and winter creats a fantastic contrast that add something extra to the pictures.