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Spring is finally here!!

The temperatures are slowly rising and the days are getting longer. The winters long sleep is coming to an end.

The energy of the earth is awakening.

The spirits are dancing.

As the forests come alive again..so do I.

The call of the wild begins.

I hope you are as excited as I am. I have been waiting on the sun. I’ve been waiting for this season to begin because I have so so many places I have planned to adventure to. This Patreon has meant so much to me. I love bringing you all along and sharing my most precious moments. I never post just to post. I let it come naturally.

Thank you for your patience 🥰 You are truly amazing and I am so grateful.

Into the sun we go!

Yours truly,

Jess ♥️




Thank you so much Peer! Sharing these means the world to me. I want to bring light into the world and show how connecting in nature can illuminate your life in so many ways! Thank you for your comment, 🥰


I just wonder... Are these areas so "empty" that you can feel both free and safe? You wrote somewhere that some peoples might have seen you naked, but that did not seem to bother you very much. Are you also safe for wolf, bear, puma etc.? I do not know your country that good...


Great questions! I usually go in places that aren’t public/visitor areas. Less people that way but that doesn’t mean I have ran into people. I have always felt safe and if I ever get a weird vibe or feeling I just leave. I trust my intuition. Luckily I haven’t ran into any bears, wild cats, etc. I’m always very cautious, aware of my surrounding, bringing the proper precautions with me. 😊