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“If you go off into a far, far Forest and get very quiet, you will come to understand that you are connected with everything.” -Alan Watts

I’ve been spending most my time deep in the forest and amongst the trees. Sitting quietly and observing the natural world. This is where I can truly be one with nature. I get asked,

“How do you connect so well with the natural world?”

I love this question!! Most people live their lives at such a fast pace that it becomes difficult to appreciate the subtleties of birds, plants, trees and natural settings. If I get caught up with how busy life can be, I find myself anxious, my thoughts are no longer clear and there is a disconnect with my soul. This is the best time to retreat into nature. Find yourself a spot where you can sit, so that you can start to slow down, be present and consciously tune in to your senses.

Here is what I call a nature tune up!

  • Close your eyes & take deep breaths in.
  • Feel the air Coming in through your nose, feeling your lungs.
  • Relax your physical body & allow yourself to feel external sensations like sun or wind on your skin.
  • Now scan through your audible surroundings & listen for any sounds like birds, insects or wind blowing through the trees.
  • Spend a few moments listening in every direction as you relax into your sense of hearing then listen even more deeply.
  • Finally, open your eyes and focus your attention on something beautiful. Let your focus expand outwards to engage your vision taking in the whole scene.
  • Add your sense of smell
  • Slowly relax and feel your connection to nature with all your senses fully engaged

I use this as a meditation. This can take 1 minute or as long as you like. Once I feel like my senses have engaged....it’s time to run through the forest, jump in the rivers, climb the trees or just sit and watch the sunset. It’s an amazing reset of the mind, body and soul.

Let me know if you use this meditation and how it went for you? Maybe you do your own reset, what does that look like? I would love to know! 🌿




Absolutely gorgeous photos. It's wonderful to see you so free in nature. You look so lovely. The pictures of you lying on the log are unique and stunning as is the last photo. I am very excited to see what you post in the future. Thanks for sharing.


Completely agree, I was born in a hot country and luckily by the beach. I don’t have such stunning forests as you do, but still had beautiful location up the mountains as well as by the sea. I spent most of my life escaping to nature to relax, think clear and find myself... and most of those time, naked. There is something about been in the nude with nature, you come in contact with the real you, love the feel of freedom and how nature embraces you. Feeling the wind, water and grass caressing your skin is magical