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I cannot believe I didn't post this when I posted the audio! I hope late is better than never. 

Part 1:

*pacing footsteps, annoyed sounds*

Oh? What’s that? Starting to stir? Waking up from your little nap? Can you finally hear me? Good. Fuck you.

[Who are you?]

Oh? What? Who am I? You mean, you don’t recognize me from before you decided to go ahead and pass out?

[What? I didn’t decide to pass out…]

Ohoho (venomously happy) yes you did. You decided a lot of shit when you opened that book and started to read, despite me telling you not to. I bet you feel pretty damn proud of yourself right now, don’t you? Isn’t it just the best feeling in the world to wake up in a place you’ve never been before? Stone walls, a rough bed, wooden covers on the windows, torchlight and candles, rudimentary syringes and… well, who the hell knows what this is, and a big wooden door as the only way out. Oh yes, I’m sure this feels great, doesn’t it?

That’s what I thought. Not even a single word. No, suddenly this is scary, you are lost, and the thoughts start going through your mind “oh no, maybe I should have listened. This isn’t Kansas anymore”. *hiss in anger*.... Or, wherever you’re from.

[Wait, are you the man from the bookshop?]

Am I the man from the bookshop! I don’t even know how to answer that. Yeah, sure, but also no, not really. I guess it’s the same answer to if you asked “are we still in the bookshop?”

*chuckle* What’s confusing you? The mask? The dark robes? The fact that it seems more liquid than solid, or that you can’t tell where the shadows end, and I begin? Well, considering the amount of time we are about to be spending together, let me at least try to get things started on the right foot *quieter, to self*, or, maybe it’s the left foot now, since since I guess we’ve already met each other before, but that doesn’t really matter *back to normal* let me introduce myself:

I am Fade. Fade Alu, but, the P is silent. I am your familiar.

(This is going to go over everyone’s head, so I’ll give you a hint, my dear script readers: Fade Alu, with a silent P? What are all those letters? F A D E  A L U   P. Do you like your new companion, through this strange world that I am determined to drag you into?)

*sharp breath, like in pain* Oh, actually, no, wait, that didn’t sound right at all. Witches have familiars, right? Or, you’re supposed to believe something like that? I don’t know what you’ve read, and what you haven’t, but, let’s go with that.

You are my witch, and I am *a* familiar. That’s much better. Saying that I’m your familiar just sounds a little too much like you own me, and, *chuckles* well, if anything, it’s the other way around. But really, you should feel honored either way, trust me.

You look terribly confused, and lost.

[What’s going on?]

*demonous growl* You’re awake, aren’t you? Your eyes work, you’ve been listening to what I’ve been saying, so act like it. You opened that fucking book. I told you not to. You knew it was different, you knew you shouldn’t have. You can’t act scared and pathetic; you did this to yourself, *hiss-raoring* and don’t you try to fucking argue against that!

*whispering in ear* So you’re going to listen to what I say, and accept it as a fact. You’re not going to stare at me like a child lost without their parents, and you’re not going to ask me where you are. One. More. Time. Or I will leave you. Here. Alone. Do you understand that?

Good girl. Now. Take a deep breath, and actually process what I’ve been saying. I’ll give you one more chance.

[Okay, okay…. *thinks*. What are… You said you’re a familiar. I’m a witch?]

Witch, bitch, one letter difference really, it’s close enough. Who knows if you’re magical? Who cares? But, if you’re going to… belong to a familiar, then you ought to at least have the title, right?

[You don’t look like a familiar]

Oh dear, what were you expecting? A magical cat, to follow you around? A little raven, to sit on your shoulder, and whisper secrets to you? A dog, that would understand the words on your tongue, and be your precious, pitiful guardian?

I suppose it’s good that you’ve had your fair share of exposure to medieval fantasy. You’d probably die a lot sooner in this world, than if you didn’t. But I’m afraid, my dear, little thing, that your expectations are just glimpses through another’s lens. You know nothing, and you will stay that way if you close your mind, and limit it to such thinking.

So yes, I don’t look like the kind of familiar you were expecting. Or perhaps the kind that you wanted. *chuckle* I don’t look like *your* familiar, but you do look like my witch.

Do I know where we are? Right now, in this room? At this very second? No, I don’t think I’ve ever been here before, not exactly. But, in a more general sense, yes.

No, no, I don’t think I will tell you. Even if I did know the answers to all of your questions, simply giving it to you would just, spoil too much. No one likes having their book spoiled. But, if you’re going to look at me so helplessly, I suppose I can give you something. After all, you are my witch, it’s only fair that I share some of my magic.

So, let’s make a deal then. You can ask anything of me, anything at all. And in return, I will ask something of equal importance, of you. Then, once you agree, it will be done, so long as you keep up your end of the bargain.

What do I mean? Well, let’s say that right now, in this moment, you wanted a sword in your hand (possibly sound of sword unsheathing?) Then, I would ask you to do something. Let’s say, hypothetically, to stab the first man you saw, with that sword. If you agreed, then it’s yours. If you don’t, then there is no loss, but you also don’t get the sword *sheathing sound? Fuck that, I’m not buying 2 different sound effects *

*laughs* Oh ? If you don’t follow through? Well, then I would be upset with you. Rather upset, actually, and I’m not the kind to be the cutesy “huffy puffy, grumpy boyfriend who just makes loud noises and is ultimately harmless, and pathetic”. Trust me, small human. There would be nothing cute or attractive, about disappointing me. You wouldn’t want to be a disappointment, would you?

*chuckles* Not quite convinced? What’s wrong? You aren’t sold on this idea of magic, yet? Or, is it me, that you’re questioning? Do I not seem magical enough to you?

*other voice, starting at the same time, cause Fade split* Do you not believe the words that I’m saying?

*voices at the same time* Who is what? Who is that? Who is this? That is me. This is me. Can’t you tell? We ought to look identical, because, we are. Why suddenly frightened? Did you not believe me when I said that I was magical? Or, do you not like the number two? Because if that’s the case, then, maybe you’d enjoy *three voices now* three a little more?

How many of me are there? That’s a very strange question; they’re all me. I am still just one. You see, no matter how many bodies I choose to show to you, it is one mind, one… creature, behind it all. These shapes are just how I want you to see me. *laughs* think of them as puppets, on the end of the strings that I pull. I can toss in as many as I’d like, it makes no difference.

But now that you can see I’m not lying about what I am. *voices snap back together* Let’s get back to the important bit. How about that deal?

Part 2: the seksie bit

*chuckle* Oh? That look on your face; do you have something in mind already?

*hiss* Oh, no. I should have said, when I did say, anything at all, I suppose the one exception is just removing you from this place entirely. You started reading the book. The only way out, is to finish it, my pet.

*chuckles* What? Don’t like the name? Or don’t know how to feel about it? It is what you are, to me. And maybe it will remind you of that.

Help you to return? Yes…. yes, I suppose I could do that. For that… just, spread your legs.

*roaring, echoing laughter* No, words, no response, your face stays the same, except for that precious blush. *whispers* Were you hoping I’d ask for something like this? Have you been just thinking about doing it, without my asking?

But I did ask. You don’t have to do it, of course. If you want to wander around by yourself, no help in this strange world.

*chuckle* There you go. What a good girl, and what a nice view. Though, of course, for  such a simple task, you really should have realized that I was going to help you regardless. I don’t want to be stuck here either. But… Well, maybe for a little bit, now I do. *whisper* Maybe you’ve gotten me a bit interested, in what’s hiding under those clothes. I could find out, I suppose. If I just walk. My. Hand. Up. Your. Leg. *chuckle* Oh, it’s getting closer. Aren’t you going to close them?

*first voice* No. You won’t, will you? Is it too mesmerizing, watching the black glove, creep along your pants, feeling my fingers pull themselves further up your thigh, your nerves getting more sensitive with every inch. I can see you trembling. I did tell you that it didn’t matter how many bodies I have, didn’t I? Do I need another, to hold your legs still, so that you don’t shudder, as I start to undo your pants? (chuckle of 2nd voice, but doesn’t start yet)*zipper sound* Still no resistance? Good, then let me just slide these off of you. That is what you want, isn’t it? I can only imagine that it’s getting a little uncomfortable. Oh no, don’t close your legs now, you wild little thing. There’s nothing to be embarrassed of. I know it’s nice and wet, and warm down here. I would expect nothing less, with what I’m doing. Actually, I might be a little offended, if you weren’t feeling anything. Especially with what I have planned for your body (2nd voice starts).

But for now, we can take things slow. To really let that sensation settle in you. Look at these beautiful, smooth legs. I wonder how long it will be, before they’re stuck in the air and covered in sweat? Or until this little mound, right here, is bare and exposed to the cool air, your lips trembling, your cunt twitching, both, begging me to fill that empty hole. To satisfy your hungry, pretty little pussy. *chuckle* Oh dear, little slut. Just because I can’t see it, doesn’t mean I can’t feel that little clit twitching and throbbing now. Do you want me to press harder? It’s okay. You don’t have to answer. I know there’s a lot to focus on right now. You’ve never been fucked by four men at once, have you? *laugh* Well, you still won’t, technically. It’s all just me, but you keep reacting so violently to each new set of hands on your beautiful body, that it’s hard to not keep adding them. I won’t have too many yet, though. I can’t completely spoil and desensitize this little whore, can I? No, no, I have to keep you waiting with the knowledge that, at any point, I could just add another one of myself, and pull you in another direction, or overstuff these holes even more.

But, enough talking, from this body at least. Let’s get a look at this cunt that I’ve been feeling growing wetter and wetter under my hand.

*chuckle* Oh, you precious little thing. That glazed over expression on your face, I should have expected this much of a mess between your legs. Well, well, I’ll just have to clean it up. *chuckle, and then licking noises* (commentary while this happens, from others): Were you even expecting me to have a tongue? Mmmmm, but it feels too good to care much, doesn’t it? I wonder, could I fit two tongues in here? Or, will I have to leave that question for when I take out my cock? Aha, well, that certainly made your cunt twitch a bit more. I think that answers my question.

Are your hips rocking now? Are you trying to grind into my face? You desperate, needy little whore. My breeding bitch. My pet. Look at you. Who would have ever guessed you to be so shy earlier. And to think, you are the same little creature from the bookshop, timid and blushing bright red. Well, I suppose your face is the same color.

Is my tongue just not enough for you? No? With so many hands on your body though, what was I thinking, leaving this tight little ass of yours alone? Look at it, all wet with the delicious juices from your pussy, just, waiting to be teased. Oh? *laughs* Do you like that? Pressing my finger up against it, teasing around the edges? Do you want me to slip a finger in? To hook your little ass, and use it to hold your pussy against my face? What do you say, slut? Go on, you know you should answer me when I ask you a question. Oh? Glancing around, because you don’t know who to answer, you precious little fuck toy? How many times do I have to say it? It’s all me. Each figure, each cock, ready to slide down your throat, each hand pinning you to the bed. It’s all the same person. Doesn’t that make it better? Knowing that I alone can do this to you?

But, I suppose I can’t leave you like this forever, can I? A dripping, hungry mess? You’d be whining all day long, pleading at me with those gorgeous eyes. I’ll give you what you want, my precious little pet. I’ll fuck you till you can’t move, and your mind goes blank, staring at the ceiling with that placid, glazed over smile. That is what you want, isn’t it? Well? Aren’t you going to answer me? *laughter* You always have such a hard time deciding on who to look at. When will you understand? It doesn’t matter.

See, once I push my cock in, each body will feel it. Each one of me will know just how tight your little pussy is. Just like, when I open up that lovely, fuckable mouth of yours, and push another cock in there, I’ll be feeling that too. Don’t you like that? Knowing that you’ll be fucking, and pleasing four cocks, all at once? Or do you like it better, knowing that four bodies will be having their way with you, and filling up each of your holes?

*PP goes in here, schloop*

*and the moaning commences, if it hasn’t already*

*Does anyone actually read these? Or are these just here for me to ignore anyway, since I change how things sound halfway through? The world may never know.*

*chuckles* Oh dear, with how tight you are, maybe one cock is all that will fit in this hole… for now, at least. After all, I have plenty of time to stretch you, don’t I? To mold you to my cock? To make sure that your pussy remembers the feeling for days, and weeks after?

The way your back arches, fuck, you feel so good, those shuddering breaths, and watching your perfect tits rise and fall. Your hands look a little empty, do you need to be pumping something with them? Or maybe that lovely mouth of yours, gaping wide open, waiting for me to just, side something in? Oh, it’s just too tempting, I think I’ll have to. Go on, open up, stick out that tongue, that’s it, what a good girl.

Look at the poor girl, desperately trying to stroke two cocks, but getting so lost in the pleasure, that she’s forgetting to move. Didn’t I say that I would move you around, like my little puppet on strings? I told you, even if you don’t touch them, all four of my cocks feel every thrust into your tender pussy, and every push into your mouth. You could just hold onto them, and feel them twitch. But you love trying to please them, don’t you? You love knowing that you can make a cock twitch and pulse, and so you try to make it happen all the more. That’s it slut, keep going. Do you need me to pull on your hair while you try to suck at the same time? To use your throat as another toy? Just like I’m using your pussy? To move you exactly how I want? Oh dear, do you still need your ass used too? Well, you’re already using all of my cocks at once, but do you want that finger back there? Teasing you? I still have so many hands. *chuckle* Your tits look a little lonely. And your nipples aren’t anywhere near as sore as they should be. How about I just pinch and twist them a little bit? Oh? Your legs are starting to move and twitch again, hmmm? Do I have to hold them? Up in the air, spread apart, testing your flexibility, while I test the endurance of your breeding mound?

Are you getting close to cumming? Is that why you’re shaking so much? Oh dear, so soon? Can’t you hold out a little longer? Can’t you feel me twitching, pulsing, in your hands, throat, pussy? Don’t you want to make me cum too? You love pleasing cocks so much, so go on, show me. Show me what a good girl you are. That’s it, hold it for just a bit more. Don’t stop, go on. Be a good girl

*improv till finish*

*One by one, voices fade (hahaha, FADE! Fuck, if any of you read these, I’m sorry. I am so hyped up on caffeine right now, and wishing I wasn’t at work.  Maybe someday this can be my work though, if you keep supporting me, wink wink, nudge nudge.) Till there is only 1 voice left.

Oh dear, look at you, such a good girl. You did so well, but your poor body is trembling. Was that too much? *chuckle* Or was it just what you needed? Well don’t worry; like I said, I’m stuck here with you, and four bodies is hardly my own limit. So maybe, we can keep pushing yours. *part 2 end*

*second voice, somewhere in the middle of 1st* Is it making your hair stand on end, yet? I can see your shuddering breaths. The way your eyes glaze over, and stare into the distance. I wonder, should I run my hands over your body too? Do you like the feeling along your neck? The cool, smooth fabric, gliding along. Do you wish it would stop? Maybe for a moment, so you could feel my fingers around your throat? Would it help, if I held you close, while I did? Pressed my body into yours, so you could feel my chest moving behind you? Squeezing you closer to me? *chuckle* It’s alright to let out that little moan. I know that, just the right amount of pressure can heighten the experience for you, as you watch me have my way. *starts kissing, moaning, breathing, etc* Oh dear, are your ears sensitive too? If I give them small, little kisses, right behind them? It it strange, to think how I can kiss you with a mask on? A pity you’re stuck, and can’t turn to see. But, that won’t stop me. So go on, keep letting out those weak little breaths. I can feel your pulse get faster with each squeeze. *chuckle* You really are like a little fuck doll, motionless, waiting for me to move you around. Or maybe, you’re more like my pet. That was what I called you first, wasn’t it? The familiar’s pet; sitting obediently, patiently, waiting for Master to tell you what to do. Well, I will tell you what to do: lean back, and let me have my fun. I’ll make sure you return the favor later, but for now…

*third voice, towards the end* Look at your lips, the way they twitch, barely open as you suck in air. That small little gasp, as I run my fingers over them. I said these bodies were like puppets for me, but it’s starting to seem like you are. My little pet on a leash; my puppet on a string, to move around as I want? You aren’t pushing back at all, you aren’t saying a word. Is this too hypnotizing for you? It’s alright. All you really have to do, is follow the sound of my voice. But with so many of them, which one will you choose? Can you pick? That jittery nod, you’re enjoying this too much to even say so. Would you like it even more… (fourth voice begins) You’re so close, I could just lean in, and kiss you… but maybe that would be giving you what you want. Isn’t this enough for you? Having four men work over your body, touching every inch of it? No, no, my pet. Not now; I have a much better use for that lovely mouth of yours. I plan to see your lips drooling by the end, trying to swallow down, each last drop of cum.

*fourth voice* … If there was another one of me? Your tits, your neck, your tender little mound; they’re all getting the attention they need, but you seem to be enjoying being held so much, that I thought one last set of hands could help to hold down these shaking arms of yours.

Part 3:

*chuckles* Finally regaining your senses? You looked lost for a bit; like you were drunk off the sensation. Maybe you were. But, come now, you can’t just lay there forever. You’ve already been asleep for so long, now’s not the time for a nap. Oh, and, you might want to get a little cleaned up too… There’s no telling when someone might walk through that door next.

*laugh* I think you mean, where did *I* all go. This idea is going to take a while to get into that little head of yours, isn’t it? I’m still here, I just don’t need more than one body right now, so one is all you see. It doesn’t mean there’s any more or any less of… “them”, because they are all me. There’s no difference. Would it help if I were not even here at all, and you were speaking to the shadows on the wall?

No, no, I didn’t think you’d like that idea. So, a shade I remain, here to haunt you while you wander.

Hmmmm… While we wander, true. I suppose I did agree to help you to get out. Am I not help enough, though? You want more than just that?

What a greedy little thing. You’d think simply not being alone would be enough. Hmmm….

*chuckle* Well, I suppose I can give you something then. Something to help… ground you, a little. To reduce the stress, stop you from worrying so much, and keep you going on our little adventure without… giving up.

A drug? No! What do you take me for? A crimin- *ah* ahhh…. Well, actually *roaring laughter* yes, like a drug. Exactly like a drug, for you at least. Getting your little cunt abused seems to have the same result, so, sure, we could call it a drug.

Whatever do I mean? That sure got your attention, didn’t it? Well, with the amount of smut you’ve read, and the frequency that those thoughts force their way into your head, what would be a better motivator, than the promise that you’ll have that hunger filled as regularly as you need it? So, I’ll tell you what I’ll do, to “help you” through your mistake, because that is what this is all about, don’t you forget that.

Now, I can’t entirely control others, and I can’t… change the words that are already on the page. But, who knows how long it will be till you get your fill next? I know it won’t be too long before that’s not the first thought on your mind, and you start to accept this world that you’ve thrown us into, but for now, I know how you are, and it would certainly help to have something to look forward to. Wouldn’t it?

What am I getting at *laugh*. You’re not that naive, pet, you know full well what I’m talking about. But, if you want me to spell it out for you, I will, since you’ve been… better.

We’re not alone here, obviously. I mean, this is some sort of hospital, you hear people out the window, and you can’t just stay in this room hiding forever. Now, I’m sure there’s people out there who.. Have similar tastes, but for the most part, people don’t just start fucking a stranger five minutes after an introduction. *chuckles* At least, not normally. I can’t control them, and make that happen, but I can… pull the two of you away from reality, for a short while, to have your moment, before letting things resume. They won’t know it happened, of course, and will be completely unaffected, but, if it helps you feel a bit better, I can show you what it’s like to fuck the entire army, before they decide to arrest you. Just, for an example of course.

What? You still don’t get it? *sigh* And here I thought you were improving.

Pick someone. Anyone. The first stranger you see in the streets for all I care. You don’t even have to say it, if I can sense it’s what you want and need, that’s all I need to act. Then, let them fuck your brains out. That’s simple, right? Do those words make sense to you?

And! Before you go and ask another stupid fucking question, because I don’t care what you’ve been taught, there are dumb questions, and you seem to be full of them! They won’t know a thing, once it’s done. No one will. Think of it as, time freezes, except for you and them, you can go wild, and then when time resumes, their memory of it is gone! That’s not really what’ll happen, but I hope that at least makes sense to you.

Good *sigh* That took long enough.

What do you mean, what next?

What do you do? *laugh* How the fuck should I know?! I already told you how I’d help you, I’m not giving you more than that. What do you want? *teasing* For me to hold you by the hand, and walk you out of this building, to wherever you need to go?

No. No, that’s not how this works. I’ve already said it, what, a thousand times? I’ll say it again though. You brought this upon yourself. This is your problem to deal with now.

So tell me: here we are, alone. Far from home, and, if I had to guess, which *chuckle* since I know the truth, my guesses are always right, *breathe in* probably not in a world you’re familiar with. The brick walls lined with old beds, the sounds of carts, horses, people yelling, no sign of technology or electricity at all. It was a medieval fantasy you wanted, wasn’t it?

So, what do you do?

*Sound of metal footsteps on brick, dear lord please say I can find this*

Oh dear, you’ve taken too long. I guess someone else is going to answer that question for you.


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