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Peacekeeper Remake

There aren't many visible changes, but all animations have been reworked.

Normal attack

- Rework more precisely and smoothly

Power Attack

- The power attack used after the normal attack is the same as before.

- Fix all animations to be smoother

Power Attack Combo

- Added new power attack

- Power attack combo redefined

Charge Attack

- Command : S + P

- Animation Remake

- Knocks back all enemies within the frontal weapon attack range.

Directional Attack

- Animation rework

- It has the attribute of dodge attack with an additional 0.5 second invincibility time.

Sprint Attack

- Staggers enemies

Sprint Power Attack

- Knock back the enemy to the ground


- Reworked pelvis and skirtbone animations in all animations

- Added footsteps sounds

- Power Attack sound and effect installation options added to FOMOD installer

- Invincibility time of 0.5 seconds is applied to directional attacks by adding IFrame.

  • Aramusha / Pirate / berserker / Warlord / Warden / Valkyrie


- Fixed chain problem during combo after power attack

- Invincibility time of 0.5 seconds is applied to directional attacks by adding IFrame.


- Fixed chain problem during combo after power attack

- Changed the combo so that Pistol Shot Power Attack can be used continuously even while attacking.

Smooth Moveset Add-on 2.0

- Remake of dual weapon movement animation with normal movement.

- Apply IED conditions and add animations for each weapon combination

  • Sword(default)+Sword(default)
  • Sword(on Back)+Sword(on Back)
  • Sword(default)+Dagger(default)
  • Sword(on Back)+Dagger(default)
  • Sword(default)+Dagger(on Back hip)
  • Sword(on Back)+Dagger(on Back hip)

- Pirate Remake of idle, equipment, transition animations

- Apply Pirate IED condition, add Pirate sword on back equipment animation



Open Animation Replacer

Animation Motion Revolution

Payload Interpreter

dTry's Key Utils

MCO (Distar Experience)

Smooth Moveset 3.3

Smooth Moveset add-on 2.0 / Discord

Parry Attack System 0.5  / ★★★  You must uninstall it  ★★★★★★★★★

The Parry Attack System is now managed as part of the integrated installer.

Requirements for the Smooth Moveset add-on

Behavior Data Injector (SE, AE)

Behavior Data Injector Universal Support (AE)

Dynamic Animation Casting NG Plus (SE, AE)

Open Animation Replacer - IED conditions (SE, AE)

Immersive Equipment Displays 1.7.3 and higher (SE, AE)


You can download it from the Discord download channel.


After signing up for membership, follow the guide and link your Discord ID to Patreon and the server will be automatically added.


For Honor in Skyrim / Peacekeeper Remake / Animation Mod

Mode details page and download 00:00 Intro 00:35 Normal Attack 00:47 Power Attack 01:29 Charge Attack 01:47 Directional Attack 01:57 Sprint Attack 02:09 Sprint Power Attack 02:28 Smooth Moveset Update



If it isn't too much trouble, maybe we could get a Shaman moveset? (axe/dagger)


Hello. I just joined membership, but I'm not joining the discord. I tried to directly connect through the link but it didn't work too.


What should I do if the idle animation of the two-handed sword does not take effect?


There may be various reasons, but it is usually overwritten by another animation mode. Check the mods you have installed. You can easily find out by using the OAR log.


Hello, I can't join discord on this page. Can you give me your discord invitation link?


Your Discord ID is not connected to your Patreon ID. Follow the guide above to link your Discord ID. Then the server will be added automatically. support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role