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The Spellsword moveset has been completely overhauled.

The idle and movement animations, as well as the sprint animation, were all reworked to have the same movement.

I was able to create more transition animations using Open Animation Replacer.

This mod does not require FNIS or Nemesis. Instead you need DynamicAnimationCasting and Behavior Data Injector.

Installation is simple because it is a SKSE plugin mod.

The dash-sprint transition feature included in the video will be supported when the dynamic sprint mode I'm making is released.

Required mod

Open Animation Replacer

Behavior Data Injector 

Dynamic Animation Casting 


SpellSword Moveset 


Spell Sword Moveset



Top notch! Your work is amazing! Thanks for sharing


May I ask what audio overhaul you are using in the video? That cast effect sounds so perfect.