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This mod adds animations for each weapon to Maxsu Block Overhaul and separates normal attacks and power attacks to operate block hit animations.

This mod requires OAR, not DAR.

When using DAR, there is a problem of repeating the same action when consecutive block hits occur due to a random bug.

Still, I will upload the DAR version for testing now, but the official version will only work with OAR.

Since OAR hasn't officially released yet and this mod isn't a full mod either, I'll only test it on Discord for now.

Perhaps OAR is just around the corner from release. If the OAR is uploaded to Nexus, this mod will also be uploaded to Nexus on the same day.

Required mod

Maxsu Block Overhaul 

Open Animation Replacer 

Check Maxsu Block Overhaul in Nemesis and operate Nemesis after updating engine


If it does not apply in-game, 

remove all files except language setting and mod settings files from the Nemesis_Engine\cache folder, then run Nemesis again.

Thanks to Maxsu, Ersh, Kittytail for their help in making the mod.


SKYRIM MOD / Dynamic Block Hit Animation

mod details page Required mod - Maxsu Block Overhaul https://github.com/max-su-2019/MaxuBlockOverhaul/releases - Open Animation Replacer https://www.patreon.com/posts/open-animation-0-83043829


Shane Souders

I was praying for something like this some day. Great work as always


I love the Sekiro Guardian Ape BIG DEFLECT animation. Looks good!

Frank Brackett

will OAR and DAR conflict?






I installed it and there seems to be no block animations while moving, is this because of this mod?


How do I download this mod?


So… I guess it is incompatible with Impactful Blocking? Or both mods complement each others?


Hello, I get a major error with this mod and OAR... any ideas?

Nic H

Nah Maxsu Block Overhaul itself is already incompatible with impactful blocking... but Dynamic Block Hit basically does the same with even more features and greater flexibility I reckon


Mhm... everything is up to date. It is the condition "comparevalue" that is not found. Maybe you have an idea about that? And thanks for the reply


Check the version of both mods again. No problem at all. The problem only arises when the versions are different.


Can I also ask If Stagger overhaul & Project Impact are compatible with Dynamic bloc hit?


I can't see Discord download channel


Can I overwrite the MCO-DXP folder with MaxsuBlock or should MCO overwrite MaxsuBlock ?


how can i download this i dont see da link


support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role If you link your Discord ID with Patreon as per the guide, the server will be added automatically.


Hello there! Currently I've got Hellblade - Timed Block, Simple Block Sparks Scriptfree, Sekiro Combat S, Vanguard - Bash Behaviors Overhaul, Valhalla Combat and I have just download Maxsu Block Overhaul and Dynamic Block Free. Are these mods going to work well together or there is a redundancy? My thanks!

