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Archer Combat Overhaul

Differences from past mods

I took a lot off and added a lot for immersion.

- Added rapid shot animation and improved quality

- Triple shot, multi shot, jump shot, dodge shot removed

- Added bow melee combat

- Use a bow and dagger simultaneously by equipping a secondary dagger

- Added professional skills Perfect Timing and Power Shot

- New dodge animation

- Fixed an issue where the animation slowed down depending on the bow

- script optimization by gungun

- In the past, it was heavily influenced by other mods by using a method to change the animation of Power Attack and Bow Bash, It now uses a separate animation because we changed it based on the additional animation in the Hot Key Skill mod. So MCO and Power Attack trigger mods have been removed from required mods.

- You can assign hotkeys in MCM.


Rapid Shot

How to use: Bow Bash

It uses the Bow Bash Command (MR), not the Bow Bash Judgment.

You cannot change the key separately. If you want to change the key you need to change the bow bash key.(if you can...)

Melee Attack

How to use: You can use it by designating hotkey 1 in MCM of Bow Rapid Combo.

Melee attacks do little damage, but stagger enemies.

Secondary Dagger

When equipped with the Secondary Dagger, you can use the dagger with hotkey 1.

It can be crafted under the same conditions as vanilla.

The higher the grade of the dagger, the higher the damage, and basically inflicts bleeding damage to the enemy.

Perfect timing

Can be used from Archery Mastery 60.

Fires two arrows when used at the moment when the bowstring is fully drawn.

The perfect timing zone is 0.3 seconds from the moment the bowstring is fully drawn.

Power shot

Can be used from Archery Mastery 60.

You can use a power shot by pulling the bowstring for 3 seconds.


How to install

required mods


Hot Key Skill

Payload Interpreter

Dynamic Animation Replacer

Animation Motion Revolution

dTry's Key Utils SE / dTry Plugin Updates AE

Dynamic Bow Animation (Not a hard required mod)

additional options

Inventory Interface Information Injector AE / Inventory Interface Information Injector for Skyrim 1.5 SE // Change the added item icon

Dynamic Key Action Framework // Motion recovery after attack

Users of previous versions(Bow Rapid Combo) are recommended to install after completely uninstalling the mod and using the save cleaner.

After installing all the necessary mods, check the Nemesis engine update, the required mods Hot Key Skill and Payload Interpreter, and the rest of the mods you are using, then operate Nemesis.

TDM user recommended settings

Directional Movement(Drawn) : vanilla style

Assign a hotkey1 in the Bow Rapid Combo MCM. Used for bow melee attacks and dagger attacks.

Hotkey 2 is for the next update. I haven't used it yet, so I'm not specifying it.


Do not use with mods that change bow behavior, such as AGO.

Since animation was created based on Dynamic Bow Animation, it is recommended to use them together.

When using arrows added as a mod, if there is no vanilla arrow keyword, it will not work.

VendorItemArrow [KYWD:000917E7]

Test focus

It works without problems with MCO.

Other mods have not been tested.

If there are incompatible mods let me know

I want to balance the damage without overdoing it. Let me know if you have any comments


Bow Rapid Combo V3 


Bow Rapid Combo V3 - Archer Master / skyrim mod

Mod detail page 00:00 Start 01:02 Rapid Shot 01:24 Melee Attack 01:44 Secondary Dagger 02:20 MCM Hot Key 02:34 Dagger Combo 03:02 Precision Support 03:12 Belt quiver Support 03:29 Perfect Timing 03:58 Power Shot 04:33 Flip Dodge BGM Sb - Jade Apex - Aakash Gandhi



You've outdone yourself this is absolutely nuts :D congratz!!


This looks great! I'm a controller user for this game, so I'm thinking this probably won't work well with it. Is it possible?

Cesarus Itsuki

Damn i was waiting for this, JOB WELL DONE.


absolutely love this animation!! thank u so much! I have a question, how do i do the flip dodge? I can't seem to get it to work T_T

Desmun Campbell

I'm Sad, For some reason the animations work wonderfully (short of the dagger animations, I can get the sprint dagger animation to work while equipped, but other directionals don't work) and the arrows won't work (release) with the animations. Blank shots with the animation.

Joseph Paradis

You're doing the lord's work my friend. Thanks for all you do!


If directional attacks are a problem, the keyutilization mode could be a problem or the TDM settings could be a problem. Added more info to the Nexus mod page and post.


love this mod however i cant get the dodge attacks to work with tk dodge


I can't wait to try this mod!


This looks crazy! Sucks i was never able to get any of the rapid bow combos to work - either version. I really don’t know what I did wrong as I triple checked all the requirements and it’s requirements… can’t seem to get any animations to work as well as even the rapid / quick shot… hopefully l figure it out soon


There is nothing wrong with the mod. Check out the installation instructions on the Nexus Mods page. There are many helpful articles on the post page.

종현 김

Nice motion, where are the outfits in the video?


I'm curious to know, if I edit the Conditions to the animations so that only enemy actors can use them, Would this mod still work as intended? I've been trying to add a bit of enemy variety, and to have enemy archers be this versatile and evasive would be really cool.