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For Honor in Skyrim I Black Prior I MCO Large Shield Animation

Black Prior of the For Honor Knight faction who uses kite shield

It is applied when a shield and one-handed sword with the large shield keyword added are equipped.

Changes according to TDM(True Directional Movement) Combat 360 Movement Options

Directional Movement(Drawn) : Directional

- Only directional attacks and charge attacks can be used during lock-on.

Directional Movement(Drawn) : vanilla style

- You can always use charge attacks(Bulwark Stance) and directional attacks.

Bulwark Stance : Backward + PA

Bulwark Slash : Backward + NA in Bulwark Stance

Bulwark Counter : NA at the timing of enemy attack in Bulwark Stance

Bulwark Stab Counter : Same, but you have to hold down the forward key.

Bulwark Stance Cancel : NA while pressing the left or right movement

  NA : Normal Attack

  PA : Power Attack

The above functions are required to be used after updating to Smooth Moveset 2.9 or later.

How to install

required mod


Dynamic Animation Replacer

Animation Motion Revolution

Payload Interpreter

dTry's Key Utils

MCO (Distar Experience)

Smooth Moveset 3.0 or later.

Weapon Keyword Unification Project 2.0 or later.

Shield mod used in the video : https://smooths.tistory.com/26

When installing MCO, be sure to select "Distar Experience" from the options.

After the Nemesis engine update, check that the two items shown in the picture are checked, and then operate Nemesis.


It can be downloaded from the download channel of Discord linked to Patreon for supporters.

How to connect to Discord


The test version lacks sprint, sprint attack animations and defense functions. The full version can be downloaded from the Discord download channel.


For Honor in Skyrim I Black Prior I MCO Large Shield Animation

Mod detail page https://www.patreon.com/posts/for-honor-in-i-78432234 00:00 Start 01:24 Normal Attack 01:59 Power Attack(N-P) 02:37 Power Attack(P-P) 03:17 Directional Attack 03:32 Bulwark Stance 03:55 Bulwark Slash 04:18 Bulwark Counter 04:57 Bulwark Stab Counter 05:23 Sprint 05:37 Sprint Attack BGM Apex - Aakash Gandhi Invincible - Aakash Gandhi



If I already have the Warlord animations, which also use a sword and shield, which one will take priority?


You must wear a shield with the large shield keyword added, but the BP animation will be applied. All other shields use the Warlord's animations.


Thank you. And also thank you very much for all your hard work!


패리 공격 시스템이 엘든 카운터나 다른 카운터 모드와 겹칠까요?



Joseph Paradis

So overall this is a very good moveset for sword and shield and has a lot of potential. I really love the counter moves that you put in there. My only glaring issue is that the "Stab" counter is actually a sideways slash/Hack. This is more of a war axe maneuver. I think if you tweaked it slightly and made it a thrust it would look way cooler/more accurate. I'd love to see the stab counter reworked like that and maybe a couple of quick stab animations worked into the power attack combos.... I know one of the reasons stabs are not used in animation sets is the small hitbox but maybe you could make them really quick power attacks that have high stagger so that it's a really useful thing to have in the power attack combo where you have a couple of quick stabs followed up by a big overhead swing/slashing attack to finish them off. One of the biggest strengths of sword is it's very fast and nimble stabbing capability. Its the main way medieval combatants would kill their opponent. slashing attacks suck against armored opponents but stabs would get through chainmail and the biggest strength from a sword and shield combat style is that you can launch quick thrusting stabs while being mostly protected by your shield. If you have ever done sword and shield combat in VR like "blade n sorcery" it's one of the main ways you kill your enemy. You stab below or on the low side of the shield into your opponent's thighs to stun them and then immediately stab over the top of the shield into their heart, neck or head for the kill.


what mods include keyworded large shields? i don't know if mods like animated armoury or immersive weapons are included


Is it possible to change the keyword from large shield to heavy shield instead? How exactly would I do that? I have heavy shields in my game and can't get the large shield bdor mod to work since they show up invisible.


Thank you, when you mean editor do you mean ssedits or DAR?


Hello! Awsome Mod!!! I would also love to know how to edit it into a heavy shield!


Looks great! Would it be possible for the player to be able to move very slowly while in bulwark stance? I know in the actual For Honor game Black Prior can't move, but I feel like that's for balancing reasons. It would be neat if I could very slowly approach enemies while in this stance.


I have downloaded the shield mod, but may I ask how to get the shield? Is it craftable? Thank you very much!!