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I'm really sorry, but I had to go to the hospital in a hurry because I had symptoms of acute gout during work this week.

I got an injection and now I feel much better, but the pain still remains.😭

The upload is likely to be delayed because the schedule is completely messed up. I'm so sorry.

I will finish the current work as soon as possible, upload it, and restore the schedule.

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.🙇‍♂️

+ In addition, the current deadline for public reward will be extended by two weeks.



It's okay, take your time. Get well soon, akchu! 🤗❤


Be safe man! Don't worry about your schedule! You've always given us quality work


Yeah no worries. Health should come before work


Take all the time you need. Stay safe and recover soon! We’ll be here when you’ve gotten well!


No problem. People get sick. Health comes first. Thanks for always keeping us updated. I wish you safety and peace. P. S. I Hope Chobi and the Silver-Haired Senior could get closer for a possible foursome in the future. Just wishful thinking.


Hey, take care of yourself. Take your time and properly recover


Feel better and stay healthy!


Hope you get better soon! :)


if the workload affects your health negatively, please take it slowly or take the time off if you need to, I'm sure everyone would rather have you work when you feel your best <3 feel better soon


Hope you get well soon! ^^


I get gout from time to time in my ankle so I know how painful it is. Take it easy! Get better!