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Hello everyone!
It's been a while since I do some changes. Even though I have been in patreon for years, I still want to know what I need to do for better experience. For now, I need your help for feedback.

1. Short comic or Sequence
Currently, I have made a short comic (Iron Maidoll) and have a plan to continue it. Do you satisfied with it? Or I should do sequence instead? Or I make short comic and sequence alternately?
2. Suggestion
It looks like I still need ideas as many as possible. Is it okay if I open it for public? Or should I make it exclusive for rewards?

3. Bonus
Should I open Bonus pledge again for $3 tier again in the future? But the problem is I can't update it regularly.

4. Normal works
Recently, I really want to draw some vtubers. If I draw normal works (not kinky stuff), is it okay if I add it to normal rewards? Or should I add the sexier version of it?

5. Low resolution preview
For $1 tier, usually I give preview in the previous month (ex : february rewards but preview posted in late january). But I didn't do it recently because it's so hard to finish it before the end of the month.
Now, I want to give it again, but in the same month with the rewards. Is this change good enough? because I still post it to public anyway.

That's all the tough question for me. You can answer me in the comment.  Maybe I'll ask again if there are more question that troubled me. Thank you for always supporting me!



1 - I like both of them, so no problem here. But I would suggest that you alternate them from time to time to avoid burnout ;) 2 - Asking non-patreon could gather more ideas, but could also attract some "trolls". But who knows, perhaps some of the trolls ideas can be used as inspiration to :) 3 - Perhaps add in the tier description that the bonus will be irregular, just in case. 4 - Normal images are fine for me. You can also use them to do some experiment (different shading technique, etc...). 5 - If you cannot do them before the deadline (end of month) and you post them 2 / 3 days later, I'm not sure they will complain. But this is only my opinion :)


1. I like sequences better, but I think it's best to alternate between sequences and short comics. 2. I don't think making public suggestions is a good idea, you should continue to make suggestions as a reward maybe within the benefits for $1 or $5, and thus show interest in your patrons ideas as well as giving us the opportunity to influences in the contents. 3. I'm fine with that if that's what you want, just add in the level description that the bonus can be irregular and give them a chance to access old bonuses that are a couple of months old. 4. Normal works without a sexy version behind would be fine, but probably as a benefit at the bonus level or at least some $1 level. 5. I'm not sure what to do, I think if you can't do it before the end of the month and you post it a couple of days later, maybe there won't be as many problems or complaints but I really have no idea.