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So, the tally is done and we've got the direction for the next patch: AreaI kinda have a loose direction where I wanna take the player, and that's north. More specifically, to the mountains. Could be a fun biome to goof with : )

For now we got with "The outskirts". A sort of build-up to the actual mountains. I have a rough draft of the area for you:

There's a lot of open area, but you can spot a change things if the player follows the road.

I also promised a new monster, and I've settled on this fella: 

Patreon doesn't allow for pure feral, so this will be a semi-intelligent monster mix-up. But he'll rut like any beast out there - watch your butts!

Lastly, an apology for not posting much this 7-8 days. Life has been busy, but I hope for things to pick up pace soon.



Hey don't apologize look after yourself okay and can't wait to see the new stuff added into the game that new enemy looks very interesting also can't wait to see that animation too rutting is very appealing in my mindset x3


did not know patreon doesnt allow for pure feral, makes sense but a shame. looking forward to trying it out!


No need to apologize, Real-life situations are important so its all good :)

Leon Pascal

Dont Worry, Life is more important then the Game. And I can't wait to meet the new beast, who knows, I might get stuck somewhere :3