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Poll here! 

I've not decided on what the next should be, so can you help me out? I've got some ideas, and all are to my liking, but what do think?

1: New world area. I'm thinking we're moving out of the town for a bit, and the direction I'm thinking is north. It should also come with a new enemy type to fill out the area. 

2: New player race. We add another new race to choose from, and we move the old t'charn race down to public territory. The race chosen will be decided by another poll.

3: Next companion. I've still got some characters I want to fill a bigger part in the life of the players character.

4: Player armor sprites. Equipping an armor piece should show up on your character, and I feel it's high time I got started on it. We'll start out with a few items to test things, and then do more in future patches.

I hope it all makes sense, otherwise just ask me in the comments : )



Well, yes, it seems that everything you listed above makes sense. So I think you should develop all these ideas further.