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Whew, it's been another while. My apologies. The things that's been worked on aren't interesting to behold, so it's mainly behind the scenes. Allow me to go through things since last through : )

- Brownie female oral inbetweened and flat colored (as seen above)

- Wood runner scissoring being inbetweened

- Rewatch smut scenes implementation I'd say is about 60% done. All monster scenes are accounted for, so that leaves characters, companions and miscellaneous.
It's taking a bit longer than expected, because I've added the smut-buttons. I'm sorry.

- Story segments for the rewatch functionality and main quest continuation is about 80% done.

- The characters in the upcoming boss encounter have been sketched.

- More proof reading done on the game's old story content.

I hope you all are well and my apologies for the long time between posts.




Nice to see the progress keep it up and can't wait to see more :3