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Citizen version: Here 

Knight version: Here 

These months has been a little though, but we made due. And even better; we furthered the main quest a bit -wuhuu!

New features:

  • The main story has been continued!
           - Starts at Srih (the lizard lady in the waterways).
           - The questline has a series of branching paths to try. Some paths has certain
            - Involves some old faces :)
  • New Enemy type: Guard defender
           - Has high defence stats.
          - Defends her fellow fighters by taunting the player.
          - Cast a global defence buff for her and her allies.
  • New status effect: Taunting.
           - If an enemy is taunting, then you can only target that enemy.
           - Can be dispelled.
  • Ealin has received an updated portrait.
  • New animation for the forest golem ride scene.
  • New animation for the Katie + Bucky + player scene in the brothel.
  • Brownie x ratling scene has received color + shading.
  • New animation for the brownie win scene - only keyframes for now.
  • New animation for the treant win scene - only keyframes for now.
  • More story images to go along with the game's story.
  • New items:
            - New weapon: Sly's knockers. Sold by The collector.
            - New necklace: Pendant of the fennec. Sold by The collector.
  • More proofreads.
  • Added sound effects to:
             - Guard.
             - Kobold.
             - Sergeant Darrin.
             - Church missionary.
             - Thief.


  • Now companions start with 80 lust after losing, rather than 99.
  • Nerfed doggy's beastly bite perk some.


  • Fixed a bug where you could continuesly attack by spamming space bar.
  • Fixed a bug with the won item icons not showing.




who are the current traveling companions?

Anthony roebuck

having issue with game not saving how is that fixed