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Citizen version:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/patch-0-2-3-56073049 

Knight version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patch-0-2-3-56072901 

New features:

This patch has mainly involved updating old features in dire need of rework. I'm thankful to everyone who voted in the polls, it was a fun experience : ) I apologies for not there being any new features to play around with.

  • Smiggins has received a new animated portrait
  • Gnuk has received a new animated portrait
  • Clover has received a new portrait

  • The scene with Naomi and Jack'o straddling one another is finish
  • Slime oral scene has being turned into an animated scene
  • Ratling bum loving has been turned into an animated scene
  • Brownie riding scene has been turned into an animated scene (only flat colored)
  • Slime win scene has been turned into an animated scene (only keyframes)

  • New item: The malolet - sold by the collector in Wetlock

  • Fights with more monsters similar to the middle one, will now result in the item reward
    amount increases accordingly.
  • Added an option to skip losing scenes, if you're not comfortable with certain sexualities.

  • More character customization. Skin colors, hair colors and more facial expressions

  • Done with tavern story images
  • Done with northern forest story images


  • Upscaled the tavern background for better resolution
  • Lots of proofreads


  • Fixed an issue with some of the journals for monsters not working properly 




If you click with good timing, you can attack 2-3 times in a row without the enemy getting a turn


You can't click the "question" button while speaking with Gnuk after speaking with Moira. The button is there but does nothing when clicking.^^


Didn't start playing until today but whenever I "consume" an item for healing or for MP it doesn't consume it but the items do their effect Edit after playing for a couple hours: It just started working after I went to the church and got fertility...

Christopher Darkheart

can you fix it so i dont have to constantly make a new game please?


I have a question. So I made a female character to see how the pregnancy dynamic works, however the child is at 60% and is at the end of the bar for the child tab. How do you have the child. Also game is amazing.


Hey Wolf shadow - if the event involving birth should happen on it's own when enough time has passed. It sounds though like the bar could be bugged if it's already full at 60%. I can look into it