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Heya all - sorry for the radio silence.

I had to take my vacation days from work, which meant I had to finish up my current tasks before leaving. It became a little stressed on the last days trying to get everything done, so it didn't leave much energy for much else. Everything is good now though : )
Next three weeks are relaxation, drawing and a short trip to Germany just to say I've been somewhere.

For the smut update, I've chosen an old brownie scene. Now all the monsters in the first dungeon have gotten a little tender love and care : )

I hope to stream a bit over on picarto.tv during my holiday - perhaps we'll see each other. Take care all.




Looks very smexy Leo. Also make sure you don't just ride to Berlin for your germany trip. Pick a nice village with old buildings or wonderful forests nearby. It's so much better than a boring big city.^^


I should have asked ahead of time :/ it is just a city trip I've booked for a few days. Oh well, next year perhaps