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Heya all,

This isn't the update I wanted to bring you guys, but sadly I see no other way - I've been quiet  lately, and it has to do with me moving address. It's already taken longer than I had been expecting, and I don't see it easing the next few weeks. As such I'm pausing the patreon for the month, because I don't want to bill people when I can't work on Valor and Glory.

My new home is an older place and the previous owners weren't very interested in... well, keeping it presentable. As such there's been some renovating and a lot of cleaning on my behalf. I'm not on good terms with dust, and I've learning a lesson on what it can mean to buy cheap.

I want to note that the new place isn't funded with the money patreon, because I can think of more fun ways to spend that. I hope to share some of those with you soon ^^

I'll post a note on when I'm back in the seat, but until then, keep safe out there~




Hopefully you can turn the new home into a cozy sexdung...home. <3


The main thing is that you feel comfortable and good there, because you have brought it into a more presentable form already)