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So as things gets finished for this patch, we start to look into the next one. Remember when we smashed the 500$ mark we added the Dragon Catacombs? Well, now we've bursted past the 1000$ mark, and as such I have a pledge goal to fulfill.

Boom! We're adding a companion :D A follower for your player character to take on adventures. Both the heroic type of adventures as well as the bedroom related ones~

I plan on adding all of these, so this is more of "who do we start with? You decide!" A companion will have a starting quest, a perk tree, some smut scenes and potentially an alternative skin (depends on how much time there is).

Let's go through our candidates~

Symphony the bat bard
Symph has been spending her time recently at the Foxhole Inn, entertaining the patrons with her musical and tantric talents. Perhaps that is all there is to the young bard, but now there are whispers around the woods, asking if anyone has seen a bard traveling these woods?
Symph's skills will be focused around healing and supporting her comrades during combat, and debuffing the enemy.

Sam the wizard apprentice
Sam is a shy boy who tutors under the magical Avius, in the Wetlock spell shop. Having been saved by the mage at a young age, Sam spends all his waking hours to help his master. When will there be time for Sam to live for himself though?
Sam's skills will focus around casting protective spells on himself and his comrades, and doing minor damage to the enemy.

Uthgarr the orc barbarian
Uthgarr has lived her life in the city rather than in an orc clan. In fact, she's the only orc living in Wetlock. This has meant she's seen her fair share of scrutiny, of course, as orcs tend to be brutes, but Uthgarr has kept her composer. Until now...
Uthgarr's abilities will focus around dealing out ass whoopings, as well as tanking damage for her companions.

I can't wait to see what people will be picking :)

Poll at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38195621 




Very nice, hopefully Sam wins cuz he looks so cute. Uthgarr has too much muscles for my taste (i could still deal with it) and the bard would be a nightmare for me.^^'