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Heya all,

We've had another group of helpful souls inform me of more nasty bugs :) Again, for the fixes to take effect, the game will have to be downloaded once more.

- Made a change to the visuals of statuseffects during combat, as they sometimes would play so quickly you wouldn't register them.

- Fixed a bug where the monster journal would fill up with kobold entries
- Fixed a bug where aoe spells would break combat
- Fixed a bug with Mag'ie the backteller, where her bandit quest wouldn't repeat
- Fixed a missing space in "Mouseover"
- Fixed magical harem pants becoming leaf pants
- Fixed that the ice spike spell would be the book for the kindle spell
- Fixed the newly added perks (Sorry about this one - I didn't test it properly)
- Fixed a missing transition text from when walking down the stairs to the dragon throne room
- Fixed the tile description having a placeholder text, the tile where you find the conflagation spell
- Fixed that the buttons to go to the magic menu sometimes didn't work
- Fixed the gemstones descriptions mentioning the wrong type of gem



Yay, at some point you have to rename the game into V&G - Totally fixed. :P


Oooh, how awesome that would be~ But then I remember, I'm the programmor, so that's an utopia that likely won't happen xD


Hey, none of my quests won't progress. Not the ham hunting, farm, or any of the get x/x and return-quests of the city. I begun a new game but it still persists, what to do?