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I don't think I've asked the question, if people are okay with scenes where only NPC characters directly (and pc indirectly) go at it? Do you prefer that it's the player character that's involved, or are you like Mr. Incredible?





Awh, no voting! But, "Smut is smut!"


I do not mind at all


always is nice see another NPCs interacting, also... can be a good idea for battles with 2 or more enemies, force then with lust to do things to the others..


It depends on the NPCs tbh. Mainly I prefer player stuff.


As the Player Character sort of a blank slate, seeing two actual character going at it is certainly alot more appealing. Heh, so it hard to imagine too many people saying Nay to it, after all, we had similar with the one scene with the Brownie in the dungeon and with the Tavern Owner and the Waitress late at night...And I remember both of those :D (I have a horrible memory, so remembering both scene is something but Forgot their names >.< ) I prefer the character involvement but I certainly do not mind peeking in on the act of others :P


I should have thought of that... Scatterbrain Leo strikes again xP Hope you're doing good btw Ruffles, and that things are for the better since last time


Both variations are ok Leo. More brothel content is even better. :P

Ryan Fox

Like you said, smut is smut


Thanks for everyone's feedback - I really appreciate it :)


Seems like a very interesting idea. Having and watching NPCs go at it. Heck, would be cool while exploring to encounter various monsters going at it with each other? Maybe? Just an idea.