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Sorry ahead of time - these two gifs are rather heavy, but I want to clearly portray how it works =) But the magic menus are done now, so let's go through it.

Magic menu (gif 1)
This is where you'll be able to go through your spell catalog, and create your loadout for combat.
- It can be found under character, and then there's a new tab named "Magic"
- Mousing over any spell (from the catalog or spellslots) will display details about it.
- You change your loadout by mousing over a spell from your spell catalog and holding the left cursor down (the cursor will change to indicate a spell is being dragged), and then you can drag it to one of your spellslots.
- You can keybind the spells by having the cursor over a spellslot, and clicking a number key, between key 1 to key 7 (it's the number key above the character keys, and not the numpad ones).
- You're able to filter/sort your spell catalog by type by using the filter buttons.

Combat magic menu (gif 2)
- When fighting, then you can click spells to bring up the new spells menu.
- Here you're also able to keybind the spells as well, but a keybind-press won't take effect unless the spell menu is closed. You can also still cast spells the old way by click on them in the menu.
- You can see me casting a few spells in the gif by using the keys (the menu not being visible)

I hope that these improvement will make combat more fluid, with less clicks and mouse-movement. I'd also very much like if some kind souls out there would be willing to test this functionality for me, as there is a good of amount of code involved.
If interested, message below :)





Would definitely help you out with testing it


You're a champ Yolonator :) I'll add a TestVersion link to the post's description - the game already contains a save, where there's some spells unlocked.


unfortunately there will be some delay. when I tried to open it avast wanted to check it for malware, what isn't a bad thing in general. but well, it classified it as potentially dangerous, and even though I told it several times that I trust the source it doesn't let me open it. sorry for this. (sometimes I just hate this programs.)


In this case it's understandable - My file does originate from an unknown source in terms of what's likely listed with Avast. No rush :P you take your time when testing