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Spend yesterday drawing all the tiles for the first area - hopefully it's clear what kind of environment our brave hero will enter. Better pack some fire resistance.




Rawr, unleash the scalies. <3


will there be more playable races in future? and are the patron exclusive ones gonna be free anytime before a full release of the game?


We've been adding new races runningly, so it's likely there'll be added. If the current patreon races are gonna turn into free ones, is still something that's being debated


So when the game is finished, will all the races be included in the final sale version? I really want to play the bird class because I like magic and I like anthro brids but not sure I can justify 10/month with the purple place holders in the art. Still like the game overall so don't mind kicking a few extra dollars your way.


Ultramagic, you've been a long time patreon and I appreciate that. You should never support with more than you feel justified :)