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Heya all, 

Little Leopold tried to do his own frame-by-frame this time. It's really rough, and flicker so much, but don't yell at me too much xP It's a first one ever for me.

I'll give it some more polish and then some color, and then move on.

... I didn't have the confidence to try and do facials




lol your doing fine. Keep up the great working. Practice makes perfect


I totally support some animated sex scenes for the game. It may not look as smooth as some of the things fuzzamorous has done but hey...for your first time (=D) you did pretty good. <3


Love it :) Will there be a build of the game with just the Dire Ratling in it?


That's pretty hot.


Don't be too hard on yourself. Damn good work for your first time. Will there be animation for when the rat finishes? Forgive me if this is an obvious question for this game, I'm a new supporter.


I love that your doing animations now, can’t wait to see more.


Hey Ultramagic and welcome :) I'm sticking to simpler loops for now, just to learn the hoops. But perhaps I can commission another artist to make one, and then see how they're creating said "finisher animation". I had to look at a lot of references just to make this little thing :P


Thanks :) - The dire ratling will be added as a monster in the upcoming sewer dungeon.