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Heya all, I'm back in good health and working. I'd like to list some new things coming, and some changes.

The sewers!
Let's get the ball rolling again; new area, new/re-skinned enemies, new puzzles and, most importantly, new smut~ 

All the monsters combat logic is done!

  • - Your companion can now be attacked during combat. Upon reaching 0 hp, they can't continue fighting.
  • - Companions will revive for the next match, with 1/3 their max hp.
    - Monsters can no longer "fail" a special ability, but will instead do a basic attack.
  • - The Ratling's ability "Arousal" now also applies a small amount of lust to itself.
  • - The Red Slime will now potentially attempt a heal for 15hp, when coming below 50% health.
  • - The tiny spider boss can now apply poison on basic attacks, and has received a "Web" special attack.
  • - The woodrunner's vines ability has been revised and received animation.
  • - The forest golem's "rejuvinate" ability has received animation (it's the same as the mend spell).
  • - The boar has received a second attack: Gore.
  • - The Moohmin has received a new attack: Earth spike.
  • - The Cumquat has received a new attack: Juice squirt.
  • - The great Bulbkin's beam attack now has a chance to apply "burning" to the target and has received animation. 
  • - The Bandit's steal attack has received additional animation.
  • - Drunken oaf's beer toss attack now does damage.
  • - The guard's attack "Laziness" now restore 10hp to the guard.
  • - The Sergeant now has the ability "boast", which increases the damage of his subordinates.
  • - The stun animation has been changed.

Change font!
Yes, a lot of people have requested this time and again, and I've finally found the time to implement it.

You'll find it under options, and we can always add more fonts, if they're compatible.

Companion skins!
Yes, our furry, four-legged friend now has an alternative look he can put on~ 

This is purely cosmetic, and will be available to people of the knight tier. The dog's equipment won't be visible though, if you've equipped a skin.

Yes, we have another one of those - that makes two! 

When finding the scene, knight-tier patrons will experience all the fluid, animated goodness, while other tiers will get presented with a still frame from the animation, to go along with the story. 

The blowjob animation including Moira will stay available to everyone, since it's already been added to the game before this change.

That's pretty much all for me this time. If you've got questions, feel free to drop them here or on discord :)

- Leopold




Great job so far!


Nice Sketch)))