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Jep, the viruses has checked into my body, and is now giving me the same treatment "The Who" did to hotels in the 60ties... And it doesn't seem like it wants to leave, as I'm nearing the end of the second week where I'm waking up with a fever that G.R.R. Martin could name as "Ice and Fire"...

Anyways, if it continues ruining me, I'm calling off payment for February, until I'm better.

What little I've managed is coding the majority of the monster's combat logic, listing them below:

New features:
- The drunken oaf and bandit have received journal descriptions.
- Added some sound effects to the doggie when howling or biting.

Monster attack changes:
- All monsters have received their own logic for attacking, and with that, there's been some changes.
- Monsters can no longer "fail" a special ability, but will instead do a basic attack.
- The Ratling's ability "Arousal" now also applies a small amount of lust to itself.
- The Red Slime will now potentially attempt a heal for 15hp, when coming below 50% health.
- The tiny spider boss can now apply poison on basic attacks, and has received a "Web" special attack.
- The woodrunner's vines ability has been revised and received animation.
- The forest golem's "rejuvinate" ability has received animation (it's the same as the mend spell).
- The boar has received a second attack; Gore.
- The great Bulbkin's beam attack now has a chance to apply "burning" to the target and has received animation.
- Drunken oaf's beer toss attack now does damage.
- The guard's attack "Laziness" now restore 10hp to the guard.

- Fixed an issue where the mouse would block for the tooltip, when scrolling over a status effect icon.




Get well sooner))


Hope you get better soon. <3

Leveler All

So, the game just decided to work now, last time i was here it seem it was due to a issue between my graphics card or something, so far my only nitpick is the font, seems to clustered to read, but i like that is full menu screen.