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We are moving rapid down the checklist for the next release.

What I'm really happy with is that I've found a way to setup individual attack cycles!

Until now I've had all combat logic be in one, big, generalizing fighting script, that basically had one combat routine that tried to fit everyone. This have resulted in some less than ideel outcomes, like monsters healing when already at full health... But this won't happen for the companions because:

  • The doggy has his completely own sets of rules on which he'll do what attack! 
  • If the enemy isn't debuffed, he'll be more likely to attempt debuffing them! 
  • Is there more than one enemy? He'll likely use his aoe attack! 
  • If none of the other scenarios fit, do a basic attack!
  • And it's easy to expand on!
    (Each special attack has a countdown though, so he won't e.g. just spam aoe :P)

I'd like to set this up for each of the enemies at some point, but that'll likely be for a release down the line. But gosh darn does this feels great - we're actually developing a proper game now xD




For me it was always a proper game but i'm happy you think the same now. =3