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Greetings ya'all. Apologies for the radio silence these last days. I've been trying out something new, and I feel confident enough now to share it.

I'm changing the way perk selection works upon leveling up. It'll become something more similar to what you'd see in a game like Final Fantasy 10 ( for those that played that :P ), but only for perks. Stats will still be added the old way. 

The current version is very counterproductive, as it doesn't do a good job of portraying what is unlocked as more points are invested in strength, intelligence and such. And you need to click on the perk, and there's very little space to actually explain how the perks function. By setting it up in a talent-tree-like fashion, it'll be more transparent what's required, along with some other value-of-life improvements I've got planned.

Another reason why I think the change is needed, is that I think it just looks dull. There's no real excitement in it. What I ultimately hope with this is for the player's mind to get creative, by looking at the tree and go "Uhh, if I mix this with this, and then this..." 

Hope your all had a nice weekend :)




Talent trees sound like a great idea!

Criss Cyanide

FF10, FF13, Dragon Age Inquisition and as much as I'm meh about FF 15, they all had Perk/Skill trees I really like so this is nice to see :D


Neat! Knowing about the perks will definitely make investing so much easier! I'm kinda also curious as to what some of those Charisma perks do. Especially since charisma still seems pretty janky in-game atm.