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Public version: http://valorandglory.com/Game/ValorAndGlory_0.1.3.zip 

Knight version:

New features:
- The "Tent feature" has been added to the game. New players will quickly find it in the starting dungeon. Old saves will have to go there to pick it up themselves, for now at least.
- The tent allows the player to set camp and rest for a number of times. The tent will work as a hub for you and your companions.
- Added in Ginger, brothel-bunny, who can be encountered at the "Inn and out"
- Ginger comes with a romance scene for male players.
- Dusk the lion has received a romance scene, working for both male and female players.
- Smiggins now sells a "Tent repair kit" for restocking the times you can rest in the tent.
- Added lots of customization for male players. Visit Zeke in Wetlock to check them out.
- Edited Dusk's feature, to make him look more sleak and "lion-y".




Ginger and Dusk were awesome. Good job with the new build. <3