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I sometimes look retrospectively to see how much work I've managed to make in a year, as a way to get confidence in how we're moving forward. Take this journey with me as we look back at what happened in 2017 :)

Moved the game to Unity!
The big and probably the most important one. We ditched the WPF .NET framework version of the game and instead opted to use the Unity engine for creating Valor and glory, and boy-o have it improved my joy in developing xD The former one wasn't even meant to be for games, so it was always a struggle to implement new things. Here's to Unity!

New combat!
I always wanted to have sprites in the game, but frame-by-frame animation takes a lot of time, and free time is sadly scarce. Luckily, thanks to switching to Unity, we could use their Mecanim system and rig self-drawn models to make them move. Once I learned it, I could do the combat system I dreamed of :D Now we can have the player character punching half-naked Moohmin and naughty Ratlings, and I'm loving it!

(Reminds I need to change the top banner ;O that still shows the old combat)

New attribute type: Agility!
We added "Agility" to the game, which determines how fast and dexterous your character is. Before that I had used the stat "stamina" to clumsily cover what was both agility and endurance, but as the game evolved I realized that they had to be separated. This means we can get perks for both attributes now, yay!

Level increase and loads of new perks for leveling!
We saw the addition of 15+ new perks for you to choose from as you fight your way through horny brownies. Some of them simple, like stat increases, while others did far more interesting things, like allowing the player to dual wield or save them from lethal blows! Some of them was even the players' ideas, which is always great when you are engaged enough to give me input :D

New zone and areas: Wetlock city!
Or the western part of it for now :P What I intend to be the hub of the world, full of shops and shenanigans. So far we've got a quick travel point, a smithy and a brothel being set up for greatness. And we're only going to improve upon it!

Two new monsters to terrorize the player~
We saw the addition of the drunken oaf and the bandit added to the game, one a booze-trowing hoodlan and the other a coin-stealing scum :)
The bandit was the winner of the monster poll back in May, and I'm happy he became the one to win. We also saw a new boss for the matter, but I won't spoil him for anyone that might not have done the quest :P 

Bunch of new items!
There wasn't any iron dependency this year thanks to all the iron weapons that came with the blacksmith. We saw weapons, shields armor and many more types like foods and potions. 

New playable races!
The T'charn was added to the game. And hopefully soon, the Druchmari thanks to your votes in the latest "new race poll" ;)

7 new npc characters was added to the game!
Man... I didn't even realize it was that many before going through the updates. I had guessed closer to around 4, but... hell yeah!!! We saw everything from busty bovine to transmogged smiths, and many of them still have the best to come... The smut! ghe-he-he

Sooooo many new sprites. Like 10+ monster sprites
We really got creative with the monsters :P and it really gave them some personality by animating them. Here's a selection of the creatures you've likely "encountered" ;)

And lastly... all the smut!
I'm a deprived, lustful creature, and that's a-okay in the world of Euthoria~ So of course we had a lot of smut to enjoy in 2017. Totally we raked in 17 new scenes of smut divided between M/F, F/F and M/M, and I looove that. I hope to beat that number in 2018, ohoho!

(Horribly sleazy, sex-ridden image hidden here. Just wipe the screen twice and drum on your head while praising the name of Leopold for it to appear ;P)

Lastly, a thanks to all of you <3 You who've supported this project and helped me keep motivated, even I sometimes have to prioritize my IRL job ... I tried asking if I could code without paying the electrical bill, but they were like "nope..." Guess I'll stay on the paycheck till that change ;)

(That's me smiling from all the support :3 )



Thank you for 2017, Leopold &lt;3 Here's to even more awesome 2018! &lt;3