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I hope everyone made it to 2018 safely :)

You've likely noticed I haven't been able to post much in December... This has been due to my job.
At the start of the month I got assigned to be part of a new development team, and we've been juggling with the start-up process. It's taken so much of my time I haven't been able to reach the milestone I set for the game for this month, and as such I've decided to refund you all for December. 

I do apologize, and I hope that once the start-up is over I'll be able to get back to my schedule.
Here's to 2018; may it be as smutty as 2017 *cheers*



Awh, I wouldn't have wanted a refund. Sometimes you just don't have time to work as much as you'd want, but that doesn't mean I don't want to support the project. I do understand the reasoning though ^^ Happy new year! :3

Venom Demme

I just hope we get herms this year.