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Knight tier version here:

New features:  
- The new Tcharn race is available to knight tier patrons.  
- The Tcharn starts with a spell called "Gale". The other races will receive similiar starting bonuses.  
- Added artwork for the blowjob scene with the wood runner.  
- Added the player-lost-scene for the bandit (no art yet)  
- Added the bandit's combat animations.  
- Lowered the chance of monster encounters.  
- Lowered the required crafting materials for a numbers of the first craftable items.

- Fixed that the mute option actually mutes the music  
- Fixed some minor text errors in the customize character screen.  
- Fixed a bug with abilities. Fantasize should now work properly.  
- Tried fixing that the healthbars would turn when the monster was running backwards.



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