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Hey all.

Some less than stellar news sadly. I haven't written or drawn you something in a while because something has come up with my workplace. Every so often when we get a customer out of country, we send an employee to help them setup, use and learn to maintain the software we provide. I've been tasked with it this time, and as such I have to go on a 2 weeks business trip out of country. 

I've been trying to find a replacement, but none have been willing  to switch places. Most have families and it's hard to be away for that amount of time. I sadly don't have the excuse of having to tend to someone besides myself at home, ohoho.

Patreon don't have a freeze account or stop payment options, as far as I've been able to find out. They do however make you able to refund people's money, which is something I've argued would be the proper thing to do, as I won't be having much time to work on this for the first half of June.

I have however commissioned 4 small 2-page smut stories that I intend to release through the month. It helps with the easing the pain of not being able to work on my hobby.

Thanks you for reading all that sap. If you want unsubscribe it's only understandable, but I had to come clean on the matter. ~ Leopold



sorry to hear that, hope you'll be back soon :)