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(This is an update regarding $6 and $10 tiers. It's a Good Day to Attend University will remain untouched.)

Hello everyone!

So I recently received some confusion on why Monthly Illustrations are delayed by several months (like February illustration coming out in October), and I realized I haven't properly addressed this in a while. Last year, I had fallen behind on illustrations due to big life events and didn't want to skip months; with the intention that I'd eventually catch up. 

At the time, it was only 3 months behind, but now it has grown to 8 months, and I think I need to accept that I will probably never catch up. Since I ended up hyper-focusing on Monthly Illustrations, I had fallen behind on Quickie Comics and Catsu Corner as well, which I sorely regret. I had some time to reflect on my workload and recognized that when I started doing Monthly Illustrations (as well as Quickie Comics and Mutuals Only), it was in the midst of the pandemic when I had all the time in the world to do nothing but draw. Now times have changed since, and I had come to realize that my workload had become unhealthy and it was time for some adjustments.

I will miss it, but I'll no longer be doing Monthly Illustrations. Instead, I'll be shifting Catsu Corner from the $10 tier to the $6 tier into its place. For those unfimiliar, Catsu Corner is a space where I post anything from sketches, project WIPs, to illustrations, depending on what I feel inspired to draw. Quickie Comic will continue to be on the $10 tier. These changes will take place starting next month, November.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I'm anything but. I've only gotten to this point because of all of your support! Seriously, I got to move out, become independent, and make comics and art full time because of you all. So from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you all so much ❤️



OK moi sa me pose pas de problème

John doe

No worries Catsudon! We care about you and appreciate all that you do for us and I understand your decision. Can’t wait to see what’s coming next