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"Ah shit, here we go again" indeed! Lots of stuff to talk about and discuss, but fun times will and are always had! Another awesome episode!




This is probably my fav ep so far. This was actually the first ep i watched live. I usually watch it the next day, cause i like to pause and rewind and all that. But i was not really that clever to read the chat lol. there was so much hate about hui, it was really annyoing and dumb. Like there was this whole jay vs hui thing, and its really annyoing. there both great and i wish they will debut and be a powerful vocal line together, but even if you preffered jay in this round (for me its hui, i didnt know him before, but his vocals just impress me) its not a reason to throw hate at hui. Like there so many comments who were like "hui sings bad" "hui is a flop" "hui looks old" "hui cant dance" like shut up? this comments were so annyoing, like none of it is true. Hui is a amazing singer and dancer. He isnt old and also doesnt look old. he is just a talented pretty king. I was so happy to see hui win, just because of this haters. also i feel so sorry for him like they kinda "evil" edit hui (like with the preview to this ep)a little bit and the masters and eveyone but so much pressure on him. they do this with everyone,(and i feel really bad for most of them, but with hui, its sometimes a little bit of streching imo) anyway this comment is really long, but i just really annyoed me while watching this ep live.


My fav performances were the same as yours, but mostly back door. Im really scared about the elimation next ep. Like most of my favs like hui, habin, jungwoon,kim gyuvin are really popular and im not scared for them, but i also really love some less popular ones as well. I really fell in love with the up10members. (lee dong yeol and leehwanhee) after seeing their full first performance, i checked out their unterrated group. they dont have that much spotlight and i honestly know they wont make it in the final lineup, at least not both. but i would still love to see them one round more. but i think they wont make it. I know i can still stan them in up10tion but its still sad. Im also scared about seowon,yoo seungeon, chawoonki, parkhabin. most people from the k back door and kill this love performances, but i think they will make it. Im mostly scared about yoon jongwoo thought. he is since the begging at the bottom from the voting. I reall fell for him in the back door performance, he is just amazing. I hope through this peformance he is gonna make it, but there was just one day voting,and he was really far back. I dont want that anyone has to get elimitated though, im gonna feel so bad for them. ( this is a really long comment as well ups)

Daniele Siena

i think the daeul scene made super sense even if it wasn't a great look for him, he had the opportunity to pick his team and didn't choose the most skilled people in the show, but people that were good to him and could help him, so if he was gonna get the "worst" or smallest part anyways, what was the point. thankfully i think he did well in the end anyways i am enjoying follwing with you especially for the overall positive vibes, looking forward to the next challenges


I personally think that if you have to rely so heavily on others to make it in a competition, you shouldn't have joined in the first place. If your first thought of coming up with a team in a competition is "damage control" to make up for your skills, you don't really have any right to then be mad at the others for not doing that. I'm aware that it was most likely not his choice to join BP to begin with but the last thing I would then do in that postion is acting like I'm entitled to anyone else's practice time to help me while actively making the team worse by refusing to switch positions. That's incredibly immature. I'm glad the judges gave him a reality check.

Seung Yoon

I think on the whole daeul situation and I can say I may over analysed it but. I think Mnet is trying Really hard to make people not choose him especially after that 40 minutes stream and then I wanted to see opinion on Mnet trolling us. But people are so mad that they waited for so long only for him to be revealed. And I think Mnet saw his popularity he had and because they don’t really want him for the group they are trying to tell people to not vote for him. Now I don’t think it’s his fault that people voted for him. That so dumb. It’s the people fault not his. Hating him will not help anyone. And I hope he doesn’t see the amount of people hating him. Now he is not my favourite and all . But I find it very dumb instead of hating him . Go support other trainees instead.

Jared Williams

I loved seeing Keita comforting Jay after the score announcement I need more of their interactions Keita is so sweet with everyone


Personally I'm a G group Love Me Right enjoyer. Not just for Jay-- literally MOST of my pre-show picks were in that group and did really well and it just felt more... fun? Idk how to put it. Like K group felt like a cover I've seen before or could see from other groups, but G group had a lot of personality(?). Also this is 100% preference but Jay's voice is just a BIT warmer(?) to me and that's just a texture and tone I HIGHLY prefer over Hui's (NOT THAT HUI WAS BAD! He used to be my Pentagon bias. I'm just not attached to his vocal texture OUTSIDE of Pentagon)