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Let's fricking go! This is already going to shape up to be an amazing show I just know it! Let me know if you guys had any additional trainees stand out to you from this ep! 




Highly enjoyed this. I do have favs, but sadly I'm awful with names to faces 😂. But I will get there. This is going to be a fun ride.


Maybe I haven't watched a patreon video in a while but my god is this video player SO much better than the last one, LOVE it! (Also great reaction, glad to see you're watching along <3)


Man RIGHTTTTT eughhhhhh Dropbox is so ass but maybe we might have to go back to it soon because this isn't unlimited yet :((( Either way, thanks so much for watching and vibing with me Rhae!!!


I have like 20 people that I want to vote lol but my main picks are Zhang Hao, Wumuti and Hui ..., I was heavily wrecked by Sung Hanbin from this episode so yeah basically questioning life right now


I went on with Yedam, Jay and Jiwoong as my top picks but MATTBIN!!! I need those two together, overall I really enjoy the 1st episode


I had a couple must-picks already, like Jay, Gunwook, Jiwoong and Wumuti, but this first episode has already opened my eyes so many many others, like Matthew, Zhang Hao, and even Seungeon. It's going to be really hard to narrow down my favorites as the show goes on


I like watching the episodes, im always eager for the full performances to come out. they are a little more helpfull about the potencials, then the episodes performances with the reactions. (still like them tho, but the full performances just hit different) anyway the vocals arent really stable, from the most yet, but there mostly amazing dancers


Gunwook stood out to me, definitely one of my main picks. The others are Hanbin, Matthew, Jiwoong and Zhang Hao but I might change when I see more from other trainees. Gunwook is probably a lock for me tho


i wasn't going to watch the show but since i'm sick and stuck in bed today i decided to watch it with you and now i'm emotionally invested oh no </3