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Could watch them like this 24/7 man...the vibes, the healing energy, the laughs...I love 'em :')




This is the closest we are gonna get to a dorm reality at the moment😭. But it’s more Kepi content, and that’s always a good thing…still want long-term shit W1😡. BTW don’t forget about the universe stuff as well if you signed up to universe.


I'll never get tired of the noises Hikaru makes when she eats something good


Curious...do you plan on doing the Kep1er Konodol Episode (Ep 20) on YouTube or here by chance?


Keppie content did go into overdrive. Just covering some stuff you've yet to react, like you mentioned already all the main yt channel, in Kep1us and Spinoff, Kepchup, add Kep1er School and we have the Night Night show episode both in idol Plus, we have Parasite Challenge alongside the newest series House of Dols both on Universe(Although how you'd stream this idk lmao). This not counting their individual varieties that have come up recently. I also wish that we'd get a consistent variety ala what kepchup was previously, but we are in no form of a drought of content and instead it's coming faster then before so at least there is no shortage of watching the girls have fun! More of this preferrable thou cause I could watch this all day, and Xiaoting's crying is because she was laughing it seems so no sad moments for us!


Yessir! Just moving one step at a time atp man ahaha. Appreciate the love always bro!