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Hey y'all! Real quick, for those of you on stream last night you would know, but I had MAJOR internet problems and was basically just unable to do anything. This persisted through the night so I wasn't able to get around to doing TXT 😭🧎

That being said, we have MAMA today and tomorrow and of course HYBE Thursday coming up SO instead of chasing last week's episode, we'll just move it to this week!

Thanks for your understanding as always and thank you also for the love! Can't wait for Day 1 of MAMA tonight! See you there! 👀

(also more content dropping today, internet permitting)

~ Lok ❤️




no worries bro, 🤍

alesha feisal

No worries Lok, i wouldn't want you to force yourself to watch TO DO during times like having internet problems and we were busy last week so it's fine ;) the next episode is so funny as well can't wait to watch it with you