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They literally never miss...

Enjoy this one y'all!

~ Lok




hi I still having problem with the screen can't enlarge I tried the two arrow on the bottom it only change to bottom and top black the screen still small It dosen't happen to my other patreon account where their's the dropbox that you can click and what happen to my boys Monsta x I don't see any of them their are the only group I follow


oh I follow BTOB now too because I like the way you react


I remember had beep beep in my playlist for the longest time and had to take it out bc the beep song absolutely scaried me when I heard it while driving lol


Hi there Lucia, I've responded to another comment before but perhaps you didn't see that. Basically, I'll get to things when I get to them, so please be patient :) Also, I'm having difficulties using Dropbox and Google haven't fixed it, so I'm using Patreon's video feature right now. For everyone else this works, so it's probably just an isolated issue for you. What I would recommend is instead of watching Patreon videos through the website version, either use the APP or the actual webpage on a computer. No one has had any issues viewing videos that way. Thanks!


Now it reminded me that once upon a time, BTOB was featured in America's Next Top Model. Kings. 😆🤣