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Hey y'all, I've been having some issues with Dropbox and uploading these last few days hence why things have been a little later than I'd normally post. First, thanks so much for being so patient!

Second, I'm working through troubleshooting this though and things are looking pretty promising today, so I have BTOB, Kep1er, BTS, fromis_9 and Blue Lock on the way! Excited to share these with you guys, but they'll be posted as they're uploaded (which will take HOURS at this rate :---) ) but they'll be here nonetheless!

Also hope you don't mind that absolutely horrendous meme as low quality as it is in my attempt to mock Dropbox for being shit too <3

Love ya, and see you really soon!

~ Lok




dont worry man :) still love for you that you will do anyrhing to post good content for us

Seung Yoon

Why are you not using the patreon video system… it’s aloud now.

Jenifer R

No worries bro…will be here when they post regardless 😉


There's only 500 hours available so I'm saving it for longer videos only...that's why...