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Bro this shit has me rolliiiiiiiing. I can't wait for next week!

Enjoy this one guys!


~ Lok




This is what Monsta X do to ppl 🤣🤌 Minhyuk of course the sun but sometimes TOO loud :D And I fckin love that woman...mother-in-law 🔥 Her tights...mmmm🤌 Ahaha I love how Lok starts going crazy too lol Thank u for X-ray💜


My face hurts from smiling and laughing for an hour straight. Next week will be awesome! The people's choice in the stream asking for THE CONNECT: Deja Vu is a really good album (I think I actually recommended it in the Subathon). My favorites are: Follow - Find You, THE CLAN pt. 2 and their Japanese albums: Flavors of Love and Phenomenon; but I mean, you could literally pick any album, they are all really good. Now excuse me while I go watch your listening party their No Limit again! Peace!


Oh I forgot about the album THE CONNECT, bro But I also think about We Are Here (hello, I'm an alli alli alligator~) or The Clan pt 2,5 Beautiful (especially cuz u love Beautiful as a title) By the way, Shine Forever was the title of the Beautiful repack 😊


Can't wait for next week! Love rewatching those eps, it's so fun. And I'd also really love an album listen for "The Connect". One of my fave albums still. (but honestly, you could just pick any of their albums and it's gonna be amazing, they NEVER disappoint)


I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING LOLOLLLL There is another MX drama in the next season that is JUST AS GOOD 🫣 this show is truly nonstop ENTERTAINMENT I just love this group so damn much, they are just so well rounded and so genuine. They give such amazing music from their hearts, they are so entertaining in a down to earth way. Very few groups just do it the way MX do and that's why i just wanna see everyone discover and appreciate them! MX brought me so much happiness and I want others to feel that too 💕 thanks again for such a great time, Lok! 다음 주 너무 기대된다!


I can't wait!!!! Thanks so much for watching always Tas! 💕 💕


I can't wait man! Thanks so much for watching always! 💕


Always Marie!!! Massive love man 💕 💕 Yesss the mother in law extra foine~~


well i just remembered lok saying to put down the recommendation for mx albums but imma down for any mx album


Thanks so much for the recs Nika! And YESSSS it's going to be so awesome next week!