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This debut is honestly still one of the most fire bg debuts I've heard / been around for, let alone 4th gen. I can't wait to start Season 2 with you guys next month!


Enjoy y'all! Thanks for watching!

~ Lok




Same one of my favourite debuts! We've literally seen them through it all, survival show emotions to predebut and to now, their growth is beautiful, I'm so proud of Enha they've achieved remarkable things in just 2 years! Can't wait to see where the future takes them. I personally recommend watching a bit or like half of EN-O'CLOCK after Enhypen&hi S2 because you'll see them even more on a variety setting and how they get comfortable on camera and showing us how hilarious and real they are, then maybe for a break start watching So So Fun plus you'll enjoy it more since you'll be even more familiar with their dynamics since their growth spurt from Enhypen&hi S2 to So So Fun is massive but honestly do what you feel like. I've loved rewatching this with you, can't wait for season 2❤




totally agree with your sunghoon looks like an actor comment!! a lot of people actually say that haha did you know he recently made a short cameo in the drama jo yuri is in mimicus?


also i laughed so hard at you saying "the bbq party is over so i can finally stop feeling hungry" and then it cut to them cooking potatoes hahaha


DUDE I felt so hurt I was like 🥲 aight cool I guess 🥲 I'll stay starving don't mind me