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Hey guys! Small content update from me here for now, but first off I hope you all had awesome weekends! Hope you were able to relax, unwi d and all that good stuff ❤️

We're in the last week of August already SOMEHOW, and here's how it's going to look for the next 3 days!

Sunday was a really busy day for me, so I couldn't get around to any variety stuff unfortunately. I'll poll for this coming Sunday's variety slot in a few days, so keep an eye out for that!

We finally got around to Hobipalooza, and we've got more on the way!

This week I'll be replacing LOUD with Nizi Project for Tuesday the 30th as I aim to finish this this month! Along with it, we'll start BTOB's Three Meals in place of Born to BTOB as well, so I'm super pumped for that!

SKZ Code, Enhypen&Hi AND Time to Twice dropping in the next 24 hours which will be awesome (I've been really busy at certain points so would've done these earlier!) and I'm glad I can get to them with you!

As for One Piece and Death Note, I aim on getting to Death Note again ASAP, but One Piece has been tough because Kelvii and I are still trying to sync up and he's just getting better, so no updates on that front yet ❤️

I'll have a new content outline dropping in the next 24 hours or so, so look out for that too, but thanks so much for being so patient and always so engaged as always! Loving the vibes all the time with you guys, and plenty more to come soon!

Until then,

Big love! Stay safe ❤️

~ Lok



aside from this can i just say that in the little time that i know you and kaia you guys are the only reactions channels and patreon i watch and pay for because i get good content and a real reaction so LOVE the things you guys do and will do in the future also LOVE FROM THE NETHERLANDS


Really appreciate the update lok!! Thanks for all the content and also don’t forget to take care of yourself, hydrate and get lots of rest!


Thank you so much my friend!!! You're welcome, and I will as long as you do! <3


Gaaaaah thanks so much Montana! I really appreciate it, and I'm sure Kaia does too! Thanks so much for the love and the support, and big love to the Netherlands from Australia! <3