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Heya guys! 

Quick little update on some content and what's going on this month as the schedule gets packed thanks to literally the whole damn industry coming back at once :---) I'm also currently doing a video for my itsLok channel on the history of Brave Girls, so I'm trying to work through this as well as the YouTube releases, stuff on here, and also resting. That being said, this hardly impacts much, but you'll see some general announcements available for content below!

This is only updates related to certain things - if there isn't an update, all is good and no changes or anything <3

First off,

Crash Landing on You will be on break just for this week as I catch up on some content right now. Apparently, I-Land 2 will be aired soon (but I don't believe it until I see it :-) so I'm marathoning I-Land Season 1 pre-emptively to catch up. I'm just pausing CLoY for this week only just to make that a tad easier.

Lucky for us, 123 IVE will apparently be making a 2nd season, so IVE will be semi-permanent in it's Thursday slot, despite us finishing season 1 soon! Woohoo!

Time to Twice Healing Camping is on the way - there's a lot to cycle through right now, but things are looking good!

Nizi Project will be put on hold just for next week in order to assist in marathoning I-Land as well! So basically, CLoY goes on hold this week, Nizi Project next week. If I have the time and some incredible stamina, then we'll get to it all, but just setting the expectation that you might not see anything next week!

General business:

 My girls Kep1er are having their first comeback on June 20th along with my other girls Loona! Kep1er have Kep1er Zone 2 (date: TBA) coming, so we'll watch that live as we did with season 1. All reality, variety, etc. I will try to keep up with as best as possible, and these will be posted as usual. I'll leave the VLOGs, Kep1er Zone 2 and smaller content to be posted on Sundays, and then just post the Weekly Idol Eps and longer stuff as it drops. 

We did a poll last week to decide which content would replace PDX101 once it finishes, but PDX101 will be finishing later this month. As per the update about Crash Landing on You, I intend on marathoning I-Land this month in case I-Land 2 really does air later this month. As a result, LOUD will be the next survival to officially replace PDX101's Tuesday spot once it's over. (Until then, I will continue watching episodes, just posting them randomly as usual!)

In addition to the general stuff, we have Monsta X-Ray planned this month, as well as a BTS album listen (besides Proof!). Can't wait to share these with you guys along with all the other stuff we have dropping this month.

Thanks so much everyone for your incredible love and support not only last month and this month, but always <3 It means the world to me that I get to wake up every day to my dream job and share the vibes with you all. You're the best!

I hope you're looking forward to all we have to come, and I really hope you're having a great start to your weeks! Until next time, take care of yourselves out there, stay safe, and I'll see you again likely tonight (for AU, SEA timezones) and tomorrow (for NA and Europe). Love ya!

~ Lok



Anyone know whether I-Land II is going to be another BG survival show or are they doing it to make a new GG?


im so excited to see you to react to more episodes of loud. I may or may not have gone ahead and binged most of it this weekend. currently deep in a tnx rabbit hole :p