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A question I don't think I've asked yet, but for those of you guys who watched this live or have seen this already: who were your one picks while you were watching? Let me know your Top 2 favourites down below!

I'm vibing the absolute hell out of this man, and having the time of my life! Hope you guys enjoy the reaction, and I can't wait to watch even more with you all really soon!


Enjoy y'all!

~ Lok




Heeseung and Hanbin were my top two at the time this came out. Heeseung as number 1 and number 2 would sometimes switch depending on the recent episode, but often would be Hanbin.

Alanna M

Jake was my pick from when I first saw the profiles and still all the way through the show plus even now! Never changed. Loved seeing his growth. I did also root for most of the members who made it too!